Chesapeake energy  has proposed Drilling  units that run from the vicinity of the intersection of Thompson Road and Kilgore ridge road running to the south east for approximately 3 miles to the edge of State Route 151.  The well pad has been prepared. Approximate 250 landowners have signed leases, but one landowner  owning  approximately 30 acres has refused to sign a lease.  This  Owner is reportedly requesting a $7500 per acre signing bonus  and other lease clauses unacceptable to Chesapeake.  A reliable source has reported the Chesapeake is preparing an application for force pulling from the Ohio DNR.  Attorneys who are familiar with this process tell me that it is unlikely that the application will be decided on in the remaining six months before approximately 100 leases expire. The Issue then becomes whether Encino  will  attempt to release the properties with expired leases. LET’S hope so! 

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Has anyone received division order from Encino yet for Deuker wells?

Have not received anything from Encino as of this date. As Al stated previously maybe checks by mid December. It will be interesting to see what the production numbers are when ODNR posts them.

I just received my second royalty check which was approximately twice the amount of the first check. I’m receiving a little over $89 per acre per 1% of royalty.


Thanks for sharing this information, it is very useful.

The first check we received was for Sept.  The second was for Aug & Oct.

I strongly believe in sharing information which is the reason I started this website in the first place. Happy new year to all and enjoy your Deucker royalties.
My royalty checks are deposited electronically. I’ve been having some medical challenges which has limited the amount of time I have available for research. However, JT‘s comments Above implies that the $89 I reported above is from two months of production.


Thanks for the update.  I hope you are doing better soon.

I appreciate all the information you provide us.  Sorry to hear you're having some medical challenges.  I wish you the best.  

The 12/19/2020 edition of the Harrison News Herald posted a front page article titled "Oil & gas prices up in 3rd quarter, revenue rises" .  I'm not sure their source for the oil prices noted in the article but we're not seeing Oil prices even close to the prices listed in the article.  I've done a price analysis from a few different sources.  Encino statement prices tend to be on the low end of most of the average prices I've found.  Here's a summary with source links:

Oil Prices 12/19/2020 ERGON
Encino News Herald         Marcellus-Utica
Statement Article EIA OH TIER 1 OH TIER 2 OH TIER3 Light
Jul $30.79 $42.07 $34.06 $39.76 $36.76 $34.76 $30.76
Aug $33.52 $43.44 $37.26 $41.18 $38.18 $36.18 $32.18
Sep $30.98 $40.60 $34.93 $38.62 $35.62 $33.62 $29.62



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