Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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Tier 1-sweet spot(s)

Tier 2-anything outside the sweet spot(s)

LOL!! Damned if I know...where is OT when ya need him?

Question--how many sweet spots are in the Southern Tier of NYS? And it looks like they will stay unproduced for the foreseeable future. Too bad...they could use the help.

Now I get it.

As far as mr. T goes, He likes to put a nasty label on them. To my way of thinking this trait is always an attempt to   increase the self image. If a person has a good self image in the first place, there is no need to degrade or  attempt to attach some sort of nastiness to another person.

Better to let personal opinions as to the level of 'character of a person' die of its own weight then to try to convince other folks.

If a person is really positive and truthful of his own motivations, then there is absolutely no need to use these kinds of tactics!

Mr. T does not seem to like listening to other folks that might have a better insight to a solution then he does.  But doesn't it seem very strange that such a great number of folks are not happy with his plans for our country?

But gas and oil production is what we are most concerned with on this site.  A couple of years ago, "FLAT CASTLE"  was high on the list for drilling. Some pretty good wells were discovered and our area roads, bridges and other facilities were much improved and or planned for the area.  But the last few months  the  price has dropped and very little information has been posted here.

Granddad Ladd


The current round of Democrat hopefuls for the White House is mainly populated by "leave it in the ground types". While we are suffering through a 'bust' in the NG cycle...imagine what would happen if one of the Democrat hopefuls gets elected.

The price of NG could skyrocket to $10-20/mcf, but it will all be in the ground...because, don't cha know...renewables are so much cost effective and reliable! /sarc

No, I can easily tolerate the colorful language and direct approach to our problems...the alternative scares the hell out of me!! Words are just that....words...and it seems to be in vogue these days that everyone wants to be offended...by something.

As GotGas wrote..."Be very careful for what you may be praying for." 

Tier #1 in this era are wells that have a recycle ratio above 2.5 ...... 

What is a recycle ratio ???  2.5 times PAYBACK of cost to drill well 


Tier #1 wells should be in the $1.50 range all in costs ...... 


Very few tier #1 wells in Tioga  PA .....   You  probably won't see much of Shell anytime soon .........


Tier #1 in NY ???? Nobody knows thanks to Gov Cuomo 


The thing of it is, is that no one can really know or understand just what our leaders really have in mind when they assume leadership, be it governor or president!  All we can do is to watch and use our own life's experiences and hope for the best.  Far too often we are 'snookered'  and misled. Sometimes we are surprised and even pleased by a particular leader's decision.

I have made choices that were less then satisfactory to my situation. On the other hand, I have also made choices that worked out very good for me and my loved ones.   All in all, I look back over 85 years of life and have only a few regrets of the choices I have made!

Best to learn from a bad choice then to let it consume the rest of your days!

And thank you Ralph for explaining what you mean about concerning  #1 tier wells

Best of all there is to whoever reads this posting

Granddad Ladd

Your too Mr Ladd.

Anyone know what Swepi is doing here?

Authorization Search Details

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Authorization ID: 1303874
Permit number: 117-20731
Site: MILLER 394
Client: SWEPI LP
Authorization type: Alt Method of Equipping, Casing, or Venting Well
Application type: New
Authorization is for: FACILITY
Date received: 02/03/2020
Status: Pending

Authorization Search Details

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Authorization ID: 1303871
Permit number: 117-20601
Site: ERICKSON 423
Client: SWEPI LP
Authorization type: Alt Method of Equipping, Casing, or Venting Well
Application type: New
Authorization is for: FACILITY
Date received: 02/03/2020
Status: Pending

Natural gas sinks 5% to near four-year lows

Nymex March gas closed -5% at $1.766/MMBtu, the lowest settlement since March 2016 and capping a 19% YTD drop.

"With the little remainder of winter waning away, the possibility of a late-season return to colder temperatures to prop up heating demand becomes bleak," says Schneider Electric analyst Christin Redmond, noting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasts a high probability of warmer than normal temps across the eastern and midwestern U.S. during the coming 8-14 days.

U.S. production, which has been slowly rising though not quite at last year's rate, also is contributing to price weakness, says IHS Markit's Marshall Steeves, who adds that output has increased not just from shale but also from offshore Gulf of Mexico.

U.S. natural gas prices likely will not top $2.50/MMBtu in 2020, according to a Raymond James annual survey of E&P executives.

Senaca just bought Shells holdings in Tioga co. 51million.

Seems like a bargain!


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