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Donna, you're dead-wrong.  Our natural gas is what we need to help clean up the air.  It's chemical formula is CH4, four parts hydrogen, and only one part carbon.... could you use coal to cook with on your stove?


Sure there are downsides, but nothing compared to the lives lost and money spent defending and obtaining overseas oil, paying countries that we dislike for a commodity that could be replaced by something better that we have at home.


Frac fluid is over 99% sand and water, and it's been used with minimal environmental impact for over 50 years.  Methane-migration from shallow gas deposits is a problem, but is preventable and correctable.


All I can say is to please do more research on this topic; believe me, there is a positive side to this.

Anti american would be, "Not Speaking My Mind!"

Your off base. THe people of PA are benefitting wheter you work in

the industry or not. Let's all be thankful for this.


You are so correct - so many people are seeing the benefits of this industry being here in PA.  I work in Southpointe - there are so many people employed there, in the gas industry, that the stores and restaurants throughout Canonsburg and beyond are so busy they can't keep up.  I see first hand the amount of money that company I work for is spending on vehicles, supplies, fuel, etc.  It is unbelievable and it's not even one of the largest companies in the area.  And, we employ well over two hundred people from PA, WV, and OH.  Yes, a few are from Texas, but the large majority are "locals" including me.    I live in Westmoreland County and the industry is having a positive effect here also, just not on as large of a scale - yet.    The local landowners and farmers have definitely benefited and in addition to being employed in this great industry, I am also waiting on royalties which should help me get out of debt and also give some money to my family

I don't believe you are at any drill site every day or any day. If you were you would have a much better understanding of what is going on. And the people who live there would not be complaining to you, that's for sure.

I can guarantee you don't know how much land is ultimately used for a well, how long the process takes, what it looks like when it's done. I know this because you say things that make no sense.

Aside from that, you would never get past the security.


I have come to the realization that it is useless to even speak in this forum..This is definately a PRO drilling site. 

Also, It does not matter to me what you may or may not believe.  I don't think anyone here would just come in with blatent lies.

There has been some folks, a large number in PA, and alot of folks in other states as well who have and who will continue to suffer from drilling accidents. 

I believe as an individual I have the right to express concern about a possible negative impact on an area that I have lived in for a better part of my life.

And again, as I have stated in the beginning of my threads, I am offended that the state of Pennsylvania has allowed such an intrusion on our state with out looking into the ramifications that will be impressed on us as well as our wildlife here. I am not an extrememist. There are many, many reports that support my cause. 

I realize this site is just here to tell individuals how good this industry is for them. I do read these threads. No reason to blow smoke here..People are aware

We are not just poor dumb folk here in PA.  

Can I actually get a count here of Pennsylvanians on this site?? Bradford County PA??

I see most people on this site are families and employees of the gas industry.

It's good to offer people in these forums a positive and negative view so that individual can weigh the 2 and decide wich path he or she might want to take.


And as far as being educated on gas drilling, I don't want to be a driller. I am more concerned with frac fluids and as well, the brine that comes while fracturing. I feel that is a valid concern.

Unfortunately, it will take more than natural gas for energy independence. Thats reality


I understand your concern. It is a geniue thoughts. Nothing is perfect. If you

read any of my comments I would hope that you and everyone believe what is

trying to be done. It's public awareness. Any industry has it's ups and downs.

The entire process of getting the gas is not unique to PA. We all need to try

and undrerstand this and not judge and look for the benefit.




I agree with you.  Why would anyone think would not be pro drilling?  I think the title of the website says it all.  I hope Donna also realizes that many of the industry employees and their families live in and are from PA.  They have every right to join in discussions on this site and provide valuable input in support of the industry. 

Bradford County went from one of the poorest counties in the state to the highest growth in jobs and income all due to drilling.  The benefits will last decades while the royalties will completely transform the wealth of the region. Results like this is one of the reasons the Democrats in NY State do not want drilling in the Southern Tier.  Wealth is power and independence. The Democrats do not want any region to develop wealth and certainly do not want anyone independent, and so the moratorium continues. There is NO science to justify the NY State moratorium which definitely proves that the basis was always political.

Donna, if you would do your homework, you would be commenting on the FACT that Henry Waxman released a hit report againt drillers for using deisel in fracking (not used since the 1960's) but he had to admit that in 19 states that his federal commitee recently tested not one instance of water pollution was found from fracking. You would also comment on John Hanger (former PA DEP Secretary) making the declaration in October 2010: "It's important to be clear about where the problems have been. We have not had a single case of these [fracking] fluids coming back to the groundwater." Or you might ask why Duke University just released a study of 65 wells in Northeast PA and found elevated measures of methane (in an organic rich plateau with shallow water wells) but not one instance of any frack fluid found. Those three points are FACTS and you still want to rely on your "belief". Go figure.

Mr NY Gas Rights,

Your two above comments are typical of NY. One positive and one negative. I

hear Democrat all over you. That Duke Study you state wasn't a good scientific

anything should never have been posted. The ground is hard up here in the NE.

There have been multiple studies done that studies and 90% of them find

the methane was already in the wells befoe the drilling ever started. Did you

know that Napalm was used in the first frac's Defense dept. wanted to get

rid of it. I suppose there are a lot of things you don't know. Stick to the facts

that you know are 100% true. Coming from the state that refuses to allow the

production of a much needed resource you shopuld be listening instead of


Thanks Homer...


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