Is anyone in the group knowledgeable about current events, particularly near Overbrook Road?  What type of unitization is in process for what well?

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First, let me ask you, what leads you to believe there is something going on around Overrbrook?

The end near Rt8 or the end near 228? What kind of activity have you noticed?

The only reason I am asking is there are a number of possible things going on around that area.

Next weekend there is a 10K race for Save Glade Mill Lake that they have painted arrows on the roads for the runners.

That big chunk of ground between Rt8 and Truver Road has changed hands and rumor is that something like a Sheetz is going to go in that corner of Overbrook and Rt 8.

The Reno pad on Logan Rd has be drilled and unitized. I suppose they could hit the end of Overbrook that hits 228 from there. Bit of a stretch but possible. 

Rex has a pipeline surveyed and staked out between Reno and Kennedy on List hill. I am going to say almost all of Middlesex is in play. Exactly when is the big question. 

I have not seen any new permits in Middlesex, but hat don't mean too much. They gotta lay this stuff out and watch their cash . From what I have seen Rex has been cautiously aggressive, locking up some of the bigger parcels that are getting close to expire. No Chesapeake are they, not over extending.

Next 2-3 years I see a lot of activity.



Thank you.  Of course I meant with shale drilling. The RT8 end. I guess they don't tell you much.  I co-own some property in the area. A leasing offer was made to us.  I appreciate your feedback.  I live out of town.  Trying to educate myself on things.

A Sheetz, wow!  Good spot!

Here is a Google earth view of the wells in your area. Not a lot happening now, but as FMV said, that is sure to change in the future. The Kennedy site is in the permitting process now. Good luck with your lease negotiations.

Click on the map to enlarge.

Thanks Perry.

Supposedly there is one going in or installed a mile north.  Guess it would be REX Reno.

What do the little squares without labels indicate?

The squares without labels are usually business locations. I attached the Reno Unit Declaration & Well Plats FYI.


Thanks, Oliver

If you go to Google Earth, click on the little squares, they are usually business.

Most of the other icons you can figure out. You can turn on or off various layes of icons. Oliver added the Kennedy, Fritz and Reno.

The REX Reno has been drilled, don't think it has been fracked yet. There is 1 "unit" there now. There will be more wells and units there for sure. Next year or two I would guess. They drill on a NW/SE axis and Oliver has explained that a few post back. I am too lazy to go back and look and link,  LOL

If you draw a straight line between the Reno and Kennedy pads there is a pipeline surveyed and staked out between them. It is almost a straight line, does have the little jukes and jives following some property lines,

My guess is that Rex will put a couple more pads along that axis in the next 1-3 years. Locking up some of their older larger leases. They can certainly catch most of Overbrook along that axis. Just depends where they put the pad.

I think July or August they are due to put out another quarterly report and may let out more info as to their short term intentions. XTO I have not been watching that closely and do not have a guess right now.

Middlesex and southern Butler Co. are going to heat up before too long IMHO.


Thanks Fair Market

At the corner of Rt. 8 & Overbrook a Sheetz or Get Go is going in.  Also a bank and townhouses.  PennDot has been surveying the road at that end of 228.  I assume to accommodate the coming changes and traffic.

So the developing has finally made it to the end of 228 there.  Thanks for the information.

Yes , "Merrie Old Middlesex" is gonna look a lot different in the next 5 yrs or so.

Progress, I guess it what they call it!!!   LOL

Was by the Reno Pad today - all buttoned up. Pretty much as expected. Likely waiting on pipeline ect. before they frack. 

If I get a chance I will take ride and see if the there is any activity near the Kennedy proposed pad. Looks like that will be the next one for Rex.


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