Is anyone seeing leasing activity in Southeastern Tuscarawas?

Has anyone approached you to lease your oil and gas rights in Southeastern Tuscarawas?

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Hi. I hear reserve energy is starting to lease in tusc

Thanks Tusc Man

Since my post I've learned EAP as well as Ironhead Resources are as well

Any lease term you can share?

I'll share with you in a private gomarcellusshale email. I have sent you a friend's request.

If you are willing to share privately please send a friend request. Live on HarrTusc border. Wondering what the going rates are in the area.

I was approached  today by a land man from Ohio Valley Land Services representing Ironhead Resources primarily interested in drilling for oil. I have not signed onto this site for about 5 or 6 years so it came as a total surprise and I have no idea of current lease rates or conditions.


Do not sign with them. I was also approached by them and did my homework. They lo ball and then flip to other drillers. Depending on where you are located EAP is signing a lot of leases and plan to do a lot of drilling in southeast Tusc and across the border in Harrison. EAP is affiliated with Encino. 

Thanks for the warning.  Have you signed with any one yet?  Sounds a lot like when we signed in 2011.  It took 6 months to see any money then, and it has been idle since that time.

Just about ready to sign with EAP. We also signed in 2011. The process is taking just as long this time. Where exactly are you located? What township? Are you in Tusc?

We just have 42 acres in Perry TWP - Indian Valley SD,  Just outside of downtown Peole!

I don’t know if EAP is leasing land in your area but Ohio Valley is usually a head of the big oil and gas companies because they are trying to lease your land before the big companies come knocking. The numbers offered by the oil and gas companies are not like they were in 2011 but they’re better than Ohio Valley is offering. I also was called by A company name cardinal who wanted to purchase my minerals out right. No one has ever done that before. Again they know the area is ready to be drilled by someone. They wanted to purchase for $3000 an acre. EAP offered less but it was a bonus and then you get the  royalties. If you sell to Cardinal then they get the royalties.  Never sell your minerals. Talk to some of your neighbors and try to research who is drilling in your Area. Post your specific area On this website and see if anyone else has had contact with a large producer.

Would you be willing to share the lease value? We have 30 acres to lease just west of Tappan Lake.


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