Pennsylvania-Lycoming County     05/07/2013     17.00%     $2500.00     5 years     20.00

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Pennsylvania-Lycoming County     08/08/2013     20.00%     $0.00     1 year     241.60
Get your neighbors together, form a group and ask for 21% and research addendums. Get an attorney. 1500 may be their offer but the royalty money is where you make your money and the tax rate is lower.

Inflection is offering $600 and 15%.  I have 17 acres.  Should I take it?  The Landman whore says they don't negotiate.

17 acres is not an incentive for them to negotiate. However if you get your neighbors involved and you amass 100s of acres then the balance changes. Also your protection through addendums increases. At the current price for natural gas it is a company market unless you form a group. The group puts landowners in the drivers seat. Deduction language and environmental language in the lease is essential for your protection. Speaking from experience here.

Thanks.  There are two plots above me total about 150 acres but a bunch of us little guys in between.  Last I heard, the one guy above me was in negotiations on his 85 acres.  If us little guys formed a group, we'd be hard-pressed to get much more than 100 acres between us and I bet a lot of them already signed.

Talk to the guy with 150 acres. He will do better if all of you join forces. The landman will try to divide you and get a better deal but as a unified group, you are in the drivers seat.

Landman whore?  That's nice...

Have you seen the price of gas on leidy?  I'm surprised they're offering you anything.  Haven't seen much in the way of new drilling in Lycoming in quite some time.  

Here's a report from a nearby well---over $6 million in 284 days of production.

Totals for Entire BUSH HILL BENNETT 2 Well-Pad:
      click for graphs
Gas production: 2,228,204 MCF (up to Jun 30th, 2015 [DEP data date: 8/29/2015])
Dollar value: $ 6,016,150.80   (ATW $ 2.70 per MCF)
Estimated Royalties: $ 752,018.85   (@ 12.5%)
Avg Per Day Production: 7,846 Mcf  |  $ 21,183.63 ATW dollars
Total Production Days: 284
Liquid Waste: 127,638 Gallons (3,039 Bbls)
Site Inspections: 18 inspections
Violations Cited: 3 violations
  Production reporting through: Jun 30th, 2015 [DEP data date: 8/29/2015]

That's great, but gas isn't $2.70 on leidy. Take 60-70 cents off for transportation and what do you have left?

I'm curious where you located? They've had some good as well as some not great wells.

Along the lines of what others are mentioning about pricing, I've heard that Inflections realizations (prices) are particularly bad.

However, they paid richly ($3k/ac, no disturbance) for the PA Game Commission's game farm at Slabtown.

I'm near the Hensler well site in Hepburn Township.  6 wells are planned for that site.

I just read that Talisman is paying $1500/15% in Bradford County.

Hi scs570,

    Am curious, around when ( mth / yr ) did they sign for the 3k / acre on the Slabtown acreage ?

Thanks in advance


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