Has anyone heard of Cabot offering free water well testing or has anyone been contacted by Cabot offering free water well testing? Cabot is doing our seismic testing and has offered it to us. At this time they are not even drilling in our area.

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Baseline testing is common and the industry does conduct this testing.  Because of how the regulations are written, it is in your interest to have them document conditions.  Please make sure they area aware of all your water sources (wells, springs,etc).  You should test the water before any existing treatment systems and get them all the information you know about the well.


If you need help with interpreting the results - contact me at- I will review at no charge.



Mr. Brian Oram, Professional Geologist

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they must be planning on drilling close i believe state law is within 1000 ft of a warter well they have to do a pre and post test of the warter supply  where are you at in susquenan co if you dont mind saying thks brian
Thanks for all the great info. We are in Gibson twp right on 547. There are two different companies conducting seismic testing on our property and in the area. We definitely have to have someone who is not involved in the drilling industry conduct water testing on our well, spring, and creek. Thank you for the offer, we may need your expertise at some point .
Also we have not heard of any wells nearby being drilled by Cabot. The closest is in Jackson approx 3 miles away.

The testing for a company varies some 1000 feet some further out.  Also, the parameters are not all the same and in some cases you may want to supplement the baseline they do.

I live in Luzerne County, PA and I conduct workshops, eduation sessions, etc throughout NEPA.


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is it in your leease to have them pay for the warter test most have being done by a third party tester 3 miles away isnt that for when the laterals are 6000 ft long
The well that is 3 miles away is being drilled by southwestern and our lease is not with  Cabot or Southwestern. Maybe Cabot is planning  something within close proximity of our property.
We were contacted last Sunday to find out if we had a well on our property.  The man said they are testing all wells in our area (Harford, PA).  He said he has around 1,000 properties planned at this time.  They will follow up with a definite date to meet us to get a sample.
I think Cabot is reacting to Dimock. They should have tested there to see if the water there had gas in it before they drilled. Our group signed a lease in 08 and have as a clause that every member of the group has our water tested before drilling and after drilling is finished.
We were just contacted in Harford, PA on June 28th about having our water tested.  Seismic was being performed May/June.  No word on any wells in our immediate area, although there are others a few miles away.  I'm sure there are others in our area that have been contacted as well.  The message simply said that Cabot was testing water wells, whether you had signed with them or not.  If you wanted your water tested for free, we should call them back for an appointment with the lab.


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