I'm not sure yet how to use this forum so bear with me. Basically I have one huge question.

Who is the law firm representing the people of Guernsey county? Who do you recommend? My inlaws live in NC and have an offer they need to have reviewed by a lawyer and I cannot find a lawyer anywhere. I've contacted the Ohio state bar and got absolutley no help and Lawyers.com had absolutley nothing on the website for this. Thank you to all for all and any help you can provide for me. Thanks


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5% of lease values which will almost surely be paid by the gas/oil company. No royalties. No other fess to the landowner that would amount to anything. That is factual info............i have in writing.
All landowners are included, big & small all are treated equally & given equal attention as well.
thank you, I will look into Mr. Brown and into the fees. I live in GA so all of this is geographically hard for us to deal with. Any websites are greatly appreciated so that I can study before I travel.
There is also an atty with the last name of Hillyer out of Dennison Ohio that was recommended by the Ohio Farm Bureau about a year ago.  I do not know this person or have heard anything about him.  Just was a name that was given at the time the Ohio Farm B. gave their presentation. 


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