Has anyone had any recent leasing and/or drilling activity in Jackson Township?

Has anyone had any recent leasing and/or drilling activity in Jackson Township?

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Any drilling going on in Greene County?

I don't know about recently... but per the info reported to the state... there are producing marcellus wells in Greene county...





We have 100 Acres and did receive an unsolicited lease agreement... which was low...

Now we are interested in pursuing a lease...

Who should we be talking with?

Oh, I know there are producing wells in the area, but I don't know if any drilling is actually going on.  I've been emailing with a DPS (Dale Prop Serv) man, referred by Chesapeake.  No offers made however.  I'll probably be 100 before I hear anything at this rate.

Hey yo! This is where I am and we have several things going on...please email me were you are located... I have a couple of places looking at us and the more the merrier from waht I understand the more land the better the odds!

Still hoping to lease our 100 acre farm - we are located near the state gamelands

Have you had any activity / interest in leasing over the past 90 days?

yes...but you have to accept my friend request hahaha cant send you a message :)

Lynn...Who is looking at you? I'm also in Greene County. Is Rice any good? Are they drilling? Same with Tanglewood?




I love Rice, I am not going to lie to you about it.. They have been soooo good to me, never get tired of me calling, spent 4 hours with me in a meeting and showed me their drilling plans, and where they have already begun laying pipe (hahahahahahahah ok, back to serious) and I dont just trust their word, research it and see if its true because they have to get permits and approval for those sort of things.   they are just so transparent with you, I expected a lot more secrecy if you will.  EVERY single thing our lawyer asked for them to put in the lease for us, they did, the first time no back and forth.  The while I was researching them, i found out about the family that owns it, the Rice family..I liked that too a family ran business.  The father Daniel Rice does interviews on CNBC and Squawk box and all these investment shows.  He is a very well respected man in those ares(just google what he does)  Anyway, he appears on these shows to talk about stocks and investments and even the natural gas explosion, BUT he never once threw his companies name out there..to me, the way I perceive that is, well it shows some integrity that's not all about promoting self.. Because they were more than willing to show me wht the real plans are with my area, i went with them.(and no it wasn't prepared in advance...I just ask if I could see the pipes he was speaking  to see where that was in reference to my land and he just clicked a folder on the desktop and showed me)  What i have found is they are leasing to drill period.. i saw a map of the areas they have and its not all spread out random places, its parcels all together.. now do I forget they are in this to make money too? no, but so far so good.  We had an offer to receive a lease from Tanglewood as well but they want a LOT of land in a unit before they will even think about drilling, so if they don't have a lot of property around you, then it wont be happening soon.  My experience was very good with them so far...hope that helps...


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