Lensman & Associates is forming a group in Belmont County.  Anyone with acreage in Belmont County should contact this firm quickly if they are tired of waiting for an offer.  They will submit bid packages October 10th and finalize bids on November 5th.  They are negotiating to get the full bonus before December 31st so it applies to 2011 taxes.  Taxes are almost guaranteed to increase in 2012 for both federal and state.  With the recent announcement from Chesapeake about the production of the well in Harrison County, this offer should be fairly good.  The XTO deal a few weeks ago is looking like 19% on the net royalty, not on the gross and $4950/acre bonus.  The new deal should be better than what XTO was offering. 

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HERE YE HERE YE ,YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE / Hello  everyone , I also know of a wonderful group located in Belmont County called the SMITH /GOSHEN LANDOWNERS GROUP that has  gotten together for the betterment of their local neighbors and even those in the surrounding area .I understand they are a non profit group .  All they ask for is for you to tell them you want to stand with them and  that you have the same desire to be able to make some of your needs be addressed when it comes to leasing your property for gas and oil . By telling them your name and how many acres you have  they will add you in the group .They don't charge any fees from any bonus money you end up with , This group has a committee that has generously donated their time to research the entire situation and develop a strong plan to work together for the best deal possible for their fellow landowners , The committee also has  their own property included right alongside each and every one of the other like minded members so they have every reason to try to do their very best for everyone involved . This group obviously has a lot of other strong minded people who have also chosen to stand together to be able to make some changes in the standard leases which are normally offered to those that are unfortunate to be  under informed and not fully understand about some of the after effects of various clauses which are not as friendly to a landowner such as myself . I personally feel this is an amazing situation since they are in  no hurry to rush to just any deal to make a quick profit since they are a " not for profit group ". I understand they are just like a lot of us that have families that wish  to participate in the economic help that this oil boom will provide, but they also want to continue to live in the area that some of them were raised in . This I understand is why some of the people on the committee had originally gotten together and then decided we have a lot of neighbors and friends that deserve to become informed about this situation . They fully understood the need  to  have various clauses added or changed so they can continue to farm and raise various products or just a nice garden each year as well as to be able to turn this land over to their grandchildren's grandchildren in good enough condition to still be able to enjoy it . I checked and I found research that has proven that people who have joined together to form the larger groups of landowners have had more clout in getting various changes made to the standard leases which have a lot of wording that is hard to fully understand . I have also found out that if you have any questions about anything to do with this entire leasing situation the committee members of the SMITH GOSHEN GROUP will get you an answer . The real kicker here is that when  the committee feels that it is time to present  a lease offer to the group for approval , you can just walk away if you are not happy and it didn't cost you a dime . You can even walk away and sign with another company if you want to . I tuly can't imagine any company just coming along and offering me a better deal when I am just a little drop in the bucket compared to a nice sized group like this SMITH GOSHEN group is .I feel if all I have to give is my word to a group that has diligently worked together to help me get a much better deal than I could ever get for myself ,it is certainly a great opportunity for me to be allowed into such a wonderful circle of people who have the heart and courage to stand together for the benefit of an entire group of neighbors and friends and even someone they may not even know . I understand they have contacts in the upper management of some of the largest companies that are interested in our land .It looks to like the more good production reports that are disclosed by these companies from their initial oil wells will only make our properties more desirable to these companies so I don't see any need to rush and try to sign with anyone in a hurry . I hope this information will help some of the other people sorta lost like me until I heard  about and joined this group . IT is  called the SMITH GOSHEN LANDOWNERS GROUP based out near Centerville, Ohio , Good Luck to all of those in whatever group you chose to be in . It should always be an individuals decision of where you feel you will have the best value for your future .

how can i get information on the smith goshen group ?


Stop talking about the wonderful royalty out there for everyone.  Are you kidding?  Just because it's on a paper doesn't mean everyone will get it!  It will be years before there are enough tools, pipelines, skilled and unskilled workers, materials, etc. to bring this area into full production mode. That's true throughout the Marcelllus/Utica play.  Companies will first develop that AC that will give them the most profit. If it's not YOUR acreage then the big royalty payout may be a l-o-n-g time coming, and you'll have to be satisfied with the upfront $$$ settled on @ lease signing.  Realistically that is all that is promised signers.  A good lease has a time frame attached to it. 4-County's does.  If no production from the specified shale layers is accomplished within 5 yrs., then the lease becomes nul & void ... time to lease again w/a company able to produce!  Remember directional drilling doesn't mean a wellpad is set up on everyone's property ...not necessary!

Smith-Goshen is a well-organized group that wants the best for its members.  There's alot more to  "the best" than $$$ and %'s.  If you don't believe it, look east.  Many eager-beaver groups in PA (large & small) found out the hard way.  Fragment off if you want to be an Ohio eager-beaver, but don't complain later.  A good deal of great, common-sense advice has been offered up here.  Some will take it.  Some won't.  Which will you do?



PATIENCE IS THE KEY HERE It amazes me to even believe that the people in our area of Belmont County would have asked for outside intervention from the Akron area where they are going to be required to pay a good piece of their bonus money when they complete this quick deal when there exists a much better opportunity. I am going to apologize for my long winded speech which you are about to see here but I feel it is necessary at this time to provide some of my observations . My real feeling are that since the NON PROFIT - SMITH GOSHEN LANDOWNERS GROUP exists right here in Belmont County and is ran by people that were born and raised in this area ,who have their heart and soul in their commitment to bring together a company and the landowners together for the best results for both parties why join anyone else . The Smith Goshen Group intends to create a partnership that will contain a combination of various clauses and changes that are both landowner and company friendly that will insure as near a perfect marriage as possible which will maintain enough landowner control to take care of our land ,but will not limit the company from making a good long term profit for all parties involved . I also believe everyone can see that the only reason the prices have come to the point where they are so far, has been because the groups have stayed together as long as they did, which made the companies give what they have so far. We all know a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link . This being said I think some groups have ended up giving in and signing because a portion of their group was getting too nervous and the leaders felt the group was going to break up ,so the leaders of the group brought the various offers they had at the time from the companies to the group to see if they wanted to sign the leases for the offers as they were at the time . It stands to reason if the group was getting too nervous and in a hurry for whatever reason ,if the main group got smaller their would be less acres totally involved and the companies may not be as agreeable to allow for changes or additions the landowners wanted to over ride clauses in their old standard lease . Also in some situations where the landowners will be charged a part of their bonus money the leaders of the group would not get as much of a commission from the bonus money if the group got smaller.This percentage of the bonus money equals to a tremendous amount of money for the group leaders and it could make some quite wealthy from just that even at 1 or 2 Percent of the bonus money, let alone the higher amounts some are getting . Now also I understand that just to do what these group leaders are doing by spending their time and doing the needed research ,keeping the meetings with the landowners and the companies that do the leasing as well as updating the entire group takes a tremendous amount of time and work so they should get some sort of payment at the end . But some of these groups are getting quite a good piece of the final bonus money .Even in this situation if the money is kept in our local area it will still help our area . It stands to reason if an out of town group can push a quick lease signing based on the fact that other groups have already done a lot of work and signed leases have already raised the bar as far as the land value to a point .If the new group has little time involved their profits are even better since they take very little time to finish the lease , regardless how good it appears to be ,but they still pocket a good profit . Now as we continue on it has proven to be true that each time a group has held out a little longer the dollar value was raised on our property . This means our acres are getting recognized for at least part of its true value , We have become noticed to the point that if another company wants to get some acres here , they are going to have to increase their offers . This is why it is so important to stay together as a group and don't let a quick cash deal lure you from your devotion as a good strong group. The facts seem to me to be as follows , the companies have compared us to be able to have better recovery than the Eagleford shale of texas and the Bakken Shale , the local production of the wells that are now producing in our area show that if the production stays the same ,one well produces enough liquid in one month to be worth over 5 million bucks not counting gas and the profits made after the NGL liquids are processed . The next fact is our minerals are not going anywhere yet. Next if another company wants a piece of the action they are going to have to pay us a reasonable price for the acres . What that price is I don't know , I just know if you take the time to read about the leases in the Eagleford Shale and the Bakken Shale the prices they got at one point was amazing according to leases on the internet . I am sure since our Utica area has been compared to be at least as good as the Eagleford Shale and as good as the Bakken Shale our acres will increase in value as the various wells are installed and production is released .The whole issue is the longer we hold together in the areas with large blocks of property it will give us a better opportunity to be treated as good as possible as a group .In addition at a given point we as a group will need to decide if we are willing to accept an offer that our committee feels it should present to us . I firmly believe that the SMITH GOSHEN GROUP will work together with a company that will allow both to profit nicely from the outcome without the headaches that are usually associated with a deal that was rushed through just for quick cash in hand . The future of our children and our land is at stake here folks . The minerals are not going away . And I understand from our last meeting since companies have been approaching the group this says to me they know that there is a lot of profitable land still here and we want a chance to get some of it . There is a pretty good chance the companies are also not going away until they can secure as much of this property as they can but they want a little more time to evaluate what we have . The patience of our group can and will become a very good thing when it comes to the point of giving these companies enough time to be able to truly evaluate what we have here which will raise the bar up high enough to make them give both on the monetary amount they will give as well as their submission to allow some reasonable protection clauses for us as landowners. As it has been said many times only fools rush in . I have to say I am a bit biased on my feeling with the Smith Goshen Group because you won't find many groups anywhere that unite for anything where the leaders are not standing at the end with their hands out awaiting their big windfall payment because they are not going to get one .The Smith Goshen Group is a not for profit group with just solidly minded individuals that have united for the benefit of each other . There is no fee charged to the landowners in the Smith Goshen Landowners Group . Even at a 1% fee if any outside group that can find people that are foolish enough to be in a hurry this can allow these outsiders make a healthy profit from our local area. The Smith Goshen Group is not rushing for quick cash in hand to ensure they will allow enough time for the companies to get a good idea of our land is worth to them since they need to consider related expenses and cost including parts and labor in order to feel comfortable in making a truly reasonable offer for the acres . Those that want to rush to sign will only get the lowball price from the companies that have not been allowed enough time to fully evaluate the price they will offer for our acres . One point I also need to make is that I am very proud to have been allowed to join a group like this since they are doing a lot of work and hard hours with no compensation for any of their time ,just to do the best for everyone including themselves since their land is included . I understand there is over 40 ,000 acres now . I feel I should be committed enough to stand for what we believe in as a group and also for what we are doing for each other. I hope this will encourage all group members to not break away for any reason because our chain is very strong now . Also I would say that this entire situation is changing so fast that the committee will be able to negotiate better things for all of us and we will get the final details when everything desired is intact for all to see .I understand that for now they are still accepting more people into the SMITH GOSHEN GROUP from anywhere in Belmont County who has not leased yet . Patience is the key now Have a great day .
Along with my previous post I wish to commend the members of the previous groups which have stayed together as well as you did making a path for the rest of us who were too uninformed to make a good decision . We hope you all have the good fortune you deserve.
The important part of the lease is the royalty if you are in the wet gas area of Ohio this gas is loaded with liquid hydrocarbons to seperate the gas from the liquid will cost some money and it will be processed through a cracking unit so the cost to seperate has not been established at this time. I was told that the Buel in Harisson County was some of the richest liquids found any whear in the World. That is a big statement we need to know what is fair for the oil company and for the mineral owner. Lets hear from some one that is honest and knows what they are talking about. I know their are industry people that read these post and that you could lose your job for giving up this information however try to slip it in. Thanks Mike
i have about 10 acres in Pultney. So far only offer i got was $2000 an acre and 15%. Anyone aware of anything else around. I could use the money and will sign if there isn't anything better.
You can do much better in a group 4,000.00 to 5000.00 check with SOLA Des group.
where's that any contact info??


Whose group is that? Is it run by a land agent or is it a landowner non-profit?

It is good to know that other areas are seeing the value in a landowner run group that is not working for the O&G companies.
Adam What township County is your acreage in I can find out when the next meeting is and give you that information. Mike


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