A pubic informational meeting with  Robert Rea from Buckeye Mineral will be held at the Pierpont Township Firehall, January 12, 2012 at 7pm.  Firehall is on Marcy rd.

Pass the word

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i was unable to make it last night.does anyone have any info on what was said-and if there is going to be a group near plymouth?


We had a great turn out last night ~200 in attendance firehall was full to capacity. Very informative meeting. Really was impressed with Bob Rea and his honest approach in his business dealings. He passed out a condensed version of his Buckeye Mineral lease also.

Should be able to pass along information of another meeting soon.


    could anyone tell me the next meeting details?

  i have heard rumors of this buckeye minerial (alov) before and heard that there royalities though higher were net royalities opposed to gross royalities? could someone with experience comment? also not sure reading trough different post does alov take 8% of upfront money and this bob rea take another 2 3/4 % for a total of 10 3/4%? thanks in advance

Royalties are gross and 2&3/4% total. No meeting scheduled as of yet.

has anyone looked into hiring an attorney to do this instead of a corn trader with absolutely no experience, just wondering...

Bill, Why in the world would any one want to do that!! Jealousy kills!!!

insert sheep noise here______________

Not yet!
My understanding is that another Buckeye Mineral meeting and possible sign ups is going to be held for Eastern Ashtabula. I was told that the new meeting information should be available on Monday January 23rd. I missed the Pierpont meeting but was told it was packed. Pass the word as the bigger the group signing the better it is for anyone who wants to participate. Many folks may want to do their own leasing but as a novice I plan on attending and listening. Again, my suggestion is to always get a very good O&G attorney to look at any lease you have in front of you.

If anyone can supply any meeting info please post it.

Bill , there will be at least two more information meetings with Buckeye Mineral as soon as the logistics can be worked out. We need to move to a larger venue. Should have some dates in a few days or so. The meeting last week represented over 12,000 acres. I will keep everyone posted.


Dan I went to the meeting and may have missed something ,but how do I join buckeye minerals eala group?


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