Recent offers are at 3500/19% in parts of the county I here.  Tri county landowners is one that is offering.  Also Adapt Energy is 3400/18%   I think this is great news for us!

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Does anyone have those offers in writing?  I have heard they are false.

This is only Great News IF ... everything in the lease offer that comes AFTER the numbers minimizes the control one is giving up to surface disturbances.  In other words solid reclamation clauses for surface acreage that will  be greatly disturbed for a period of time. You have several specified time periods written up in this lease, right?  The "rights" being negotiated for don't tie up all shale layers to China I'm sure.  Tier 3 water testing is included before ANYTHING begins, AND immediately following the end of the drilling process through a chain-of-custody lab.  Check with you extension agent for that explanation.

There are more aspects to a good lease than most can imagine.  MONEY should have equal footing with all of them ... not play King of the Mountain.  A company's lease offer is meant to have folks focus on the numbers, not what's printed on the back pages.  It's industry-friendly.  Companies want to make a profit, and will.  What individual wants that to happen at his/her expense?  Stop drooling and strive to level the playing field.  Look for a Group of Land Owners/Rights Holders in your area that has developed (or in the process thereof) its own lease with the guidance of professionals having an experienced and successful reputation for marketing and negotiating.  Clarion and Venango counties both have access to such professional teams that have successfully represented other landowner groups, gov't entities i.e. town/township properties, and commercial properties up to Fortune 500 companies.  THAT's what makes your area fortunate!

If one doesn't look beyond the $$$ deals offered by companies, what a turmoil will be left to future generations.  Do the homework.  East of you, 4-County did.  We're very glad.


Personalties aside ... way aside, focus on what is needed to make Venango and Clarion's shale happenings a positive for the area. Long before drilling enters the picture many other things must be dealt with.  Surely the people want something besides dollars and royalty %'s shoved under their noses.  Other landowner groups across the state and beyond have recognized the value of their surface and sub-surface  environments.  They have leases with strong reclamations clauses, time frames, protections meant to show fairness to both sides ... industry and individuals.  4-County Leasing Group in northcentral PA and southcentral NY has worked diligently to develop such a lease ... all the while striving to "stay up" on the latest findings related to shale development.  Understanding such things as "Soil Impaction Findings", water quality BEFORE, federal and state tax implications that affect individuals who lease, necessary changes that must come to estate planning, etc..   When people understand what they're getting INTO they will do careful planning during the lease development phase.  Their minds won't be focused on just the $$$ and royalty %.  It's the "sense" that brings folks around so they don't have to worry about how "to GET OUT OF" a hastily signed industry-friendly lease.

"INTO" or "OUT OF" ... it's a choice everyone must make if "rights" are owned.  A well-run Group with proven successful, professional guidance that reaches beyond the local region will have the biggest positive impact on its members and the counties they represent.

Have questions?  Ask them @ the meetings held throughout your region.  Learn for yourself. 


I guess now that easter is coming you will tell me that 4-county moved the rock from the cave also.....

A lot of drum beating by certain groups, but very little action at least that anyone has been willing to share.


Pumpjack. They allready took credit for that.


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