I live in Iowa. A local company is using CNG in their large vehicle fleet. They are paying $.89 per gallon and getting 3.77 miles per gallon for CNG. Their cost for diesel is $3.08 and are getting 3.83 mpg for diesel. Hey, any Fed's out there listening? Probably not, so the rest of us need to put some pressure on our Congressmen and Senators to develop a national energy plan that makes sense rather than that being pushed by the ill-informed in Washington DC.

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Some state Department of Transportation departments have accepted CNG and have installed their own private fueling stations.  Such as New York. https://www.dot.ny.gov/e-zine/fall2009/environmental  One would think that other states would follow.  Hear me: Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland.


Funny that NY wants to use CNG in its vehicles as they know it is cleaner but they will not allow drilling for it using the most advanced techniques. Hypocrites.

T., thanks for the information you provided. I now have a question. If the federal government could mandate a requirement that we all get health insurance, why can they not dictate that all 48 contiguous states start using CNG in their vehicle fleet? Moreover, each state should then make their CNG filling station accessible to the public. Tell me this would not be win-win in that states would decrease their costs for fuel and there would be an initial CNG infrastructure established that could be made accessible to the public. The state would be permitted to make a profit on the CNG sales and receive increased revenue, all without the need for increased taxes.  WOW!

Al....you are talking crazy talk.


I mean it makes common sense.....Congress will never go for anything that makes common sense.


Capitalism is slow sometimes.....but it will prevail, CNG will eventually be a Country wide available/used fuel.

Paul, you're probably right so thanks for bringing me back down to earth


In increasing numbers, major U.S. contract freight carriers are deploying heavy-duty natural gas-powered trucks to support their customers’ supply chain transport requirements. Clean Energy Fuels, North America’s leading supplier of natural gas fuel for transportation, contracts with carrier fleet operators to provide CNG or LNG fueling services at Clean Energy public access stations nationwide.

Among the most recent for-hire fleet operators to opt for natural gas fuel are Premier Transportation, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia; Transplace, Frisco, Texas, and Glacier Transportation & Logistics, Atlanta, Georgia; Dillon Transportation LLC, Burr Ridge, Illinois; C.R. England, Salt Lake City, Utah; Ryder Dedicated Logistics, El Segundo, California; CEVA Logistics, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands; and Werner Enterprises, Omaha, Nebraska.

James Harger, Chief Marketing Officer, Clean Energy, said, “Like Premier, Transplace, Glacier, Dillon, C.R. England, Ryder, CEVA and Werner, truck fleet operators across the country are turning to natural gas power. They seek fuel cost savings, reduced foreign oil dependence, and the environmental benefits of this abundant American resource. Clean Energy commends these companies, and many others like them, for their visionary leadership in the retail and customer products transportation sector.”

How natural gas will transform the automobile globally.


Good article. I am going to send it to some politicians to show how far behind the rest of the world the US is. What a shame....I remember when the US led the world in innovation and technology.


A lot of the State representatives in the country know we are behind because they have traveled there to set up the outsourcing of their States phone centers.  I hear they fear us learning of how the rest of the world is racing past us.  Haven't heard any news of how they plan on bringing our country up to par though.  I think they are waiting to see if cutting funds for education works first.

If it aint broke dont fix it. There is no problem with gasoline or diesel operated vehicles now, so why would we ask our politicians to push for the cng vehicles? So we could see a raise in taxes to cover all of the money needed to be dumped into research? Come on people, there is a reason we have been running on gasoline for so long, its proven. I do not see any downfall at all sticking with what we have. You can say its expensive, but its not. It would only be a matter of time before cng made it to the same price. Just think twice before you start lobbying for something that you really dont need.

WOW! The issue is energy independence! This country has mortgaged itself into bankruptcy as a result of the need to go offshore to buy oil. Back in the 50s and 60s, oil was cheap. That is no longer the case primarily because the rest of the world, especially China, is placing a huge demand upon energy. If one does not understand that and consequently make the government adopt the correct energy policy, we are surely doomed as a nation. If you are still alive and living in this country 10 years from now, you will have experienced first-hand what I am concerned about

If we want to be independant, why are our us based companies selling out to china? Seems logical. Im sure i'll be do'ing well 10 years from now as well-


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