Well is being shut in from 5/4/12 to 5/4/13. Anyone have any news?

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Mike which gasco?


Yes Chesapeake.  Statoil and Ana also have part of well.  Will they also be shut-in? 


It's possible there was a drilling mistake . . . a breakthrough to (or from) another well.  That's what's being posted elsewhere and could be what is behind any shut-in.

However be advised:  I'm reporting this second hand.  I have no personal knowledge of this.

Here you go:


Will it ever go back in production?


It's a two-part answer, and all guesswork:

Yes . . and . . 

But don't ask me when. 

Thing is, there is such a NG glut right now.  It does not make economic sense for any gasco to spend a lot of money on something like this.  In order to make sense overall, such a repair would have to make economic sense to the gasco's bottom line.  My bet is that at some juncture in future this repair will make sense.  I just cannot tell you today when that will be.  However:

Based on your own reporting in the OP, seems as if it's going to be at least a year out.


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