Still no updates on the Troyer/TUSC 3 well in Tusc?  

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Does anyone have actual numbers on the production potential for this well? I've heard terms like "excited" and "really good" but nothing specific.  I know they don't have to tell anyone, but just wondering if anyone has talked first hand to someone from CNX about specific content and production...

CONSOL Energy Updates Utica Shale Operations

CONSOL Energy (CNX) reported on recent activity in the Utica Shale in Ohio, where the company operates its own acreage and is also involved in a joint venture with Hess Corporation (HES).

CONSOL Energy completed its first horizontal well into the Utica Shale in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and is currently evaluating the flow back and results of the well and is conducting additional testing before communicating results. This well was drilled outside of the joint venture.

Just a rumor but I heard they put the horizontal on the bottom of the Point Pleasant on the Limestone, basically too low in the formation. No flowing gas pressure but making some oil,  nothing to write home about but results may have been different if they had  had the horizontal in the center of the formation allowing for a more effective fracture.

Again just a rumor.... take it for what its worth... 

If that is true why wouldn't they have drilled another horizontal to get it positioned right in the proper formation? I find that hard to believe with how much money they spend on getting these wells drilled and put into production. I would think they would have got the horizontal drilled correctly to recoup their investment in the well. This well has had more stories than a gossip magazine so far it seems. I guess time will tell when Consol releases some production numbers in the future. Who did you hear this information from?

Can't say but the info is good... whoever lives around there watch for an Ergon Truck... making oil... nothing like Anadarko's Cumberland well.... it's making some OIL....

Jimmy, not sure what your last post means. I'm not familiar with the Cumberland well.  Is the Troyer well better than Cumberland, or is the Cumberland well the one making some OIL?

Sorry JR.  Anadarko has a good one , I think it's the Spencer. making some high quality light sweet crude but dont get too crazy excited, I guess one just a few miles away is not acting the same,  this whole thing will take some time for these guys to figure out the right way to complete these,  the OIL window will be a challenge, but there are some bright folks working on it.

Enervest made some comments the other day about completion techniques go back and read those will explain a few things

I thought that's what you meant, just making sure. Thanks for the info!

Thanks JR, I have agood network, so far about 80% CORRECT. No guarantees but will share what I am privy too.

You think Chessy will loan me a billion ?? Just kidding ! 

Thx for sharing! Keep it comin!
Haha on Chessy! I swear it's my initials, nothing to do with j
JR Ewing!
Anyone know why Anadarko drilled on CONSOL land? Could we be seeing more of that?


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