Has anyone else had this happen? The title to my property had no deficits (according to the Cambridge Office). I called Amegy bank today to see when the check would be sent and I was told that it was “cancelled per land department directive”.

I called Shell in Cambridge and they have no idea what is going on. Any thoughts?

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I know of two people in Jackson Township that have been paid

I meant township not county.

Well my land is in priority A so lets see if i get paid!!

I am still looking for an answer to what the difference was between people who were "part of the group" and "walk-ins". If there is no difference between the lease language, then the two groups of people are really the same. So again, how was the lease language for "walk-ins" any different than lease language for anybody else???

"Outside our interest area" is not some kind blanket excuse for walking away from a contract.

You make a good point.  And how can they walk away from a contract anyway, I though it was binding, it sure binded the landowers.

The SWEPI lease I have seen from this group does not allow for "buyer's remorse". Good and marketable title was the only condition. If all leases were like that then Shell's only hope is people not pressing their case to enforce the contract.

It’s been well over a month since I made the original post on this. Still nothing, I have called Holland in Texas three times. This 1st time I was told they did not know why. The 2nd time I was told that it was something on the lease and that I should hear something soon. The 3rd time I talked to Bobby and I was informed that he was not a customer service rep and couldn’t help me. Give me a break! Really?

I’ve also heard that all of the leases in Noble have been cancelled. Can they do that?

This whole thing is a mess; nobody seems to know what is going on.

Some of the earlier posts motioned contacting the media. This is sounding like a good idea, maybe they can get to the bottom of this. Big companies don’t like bad press.

Any more thoughts?

1. Figure out whether there is any material difference between the lease language for those paid and those not paid.

(It does no good to go to the media without knowing this answer first. It's the first question they will ask in deciding whether it's a story worth pursuing)

2. Do have an electronic copy of their lease that they can upload? Upload a "reject" copy, a "paid" copy, and compare the two. If there is no difference in the due dilligence language then you got yourself a lawsuit and perhaps a story to take to the papers.

3. How many acres do these 28 people have? In other words, how much is the total lease bonus amount Shell is trying to walk away from? The bigger the number, the better the headline, the more likely the press will report on it.

4. Make a list of these people, their names, phone numbers, email, etc. Presumably, the majority of them are not GoMarcellus members, because there are not 28 different people you can identify from this thread.

I was under the impression that all of the leases were pretty much the same. When I signed up they just seemed to be filling in lot numbers, name ect. Maybe a some of us should scan and upload some of the leases to see if they are the same.

I wasn't really thinking about the 28 people when I posted (more like Shell need to get it's act togther because people have a right to know what is going on) but that is not a bad idea.

I agree probably most of them are not GoMarcellus members but an small ad in the paper with a call out and a public blog when they could make contact. Just some random thoughs. I guess I feel if people do not band together they Shell will continue to give us the run around.

Some reference materials for everyone to look up on their leases, and make your own determination on the wording of the lease.

Article II paragraph 15 (a)(b)(c)- Recording of the leases.

Article III paragraph 16 Bonus payment. Only speaks of a "marketable title".

Article VII Paragraph 33 Arbitration clause



Heres some food for thought.  The "peacock" station in Columbus.  Talk to the investigative reporter.  Link below. MBowersock@wcmh.com.  Give him the skinny.... :) Things might be a brewing here real soon :) :)

Hoodwinked - how many of those 28 people do you know/know their identities to contact them (names/online alias)?


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