Some of you folks probably don't get the Akron Beacon Journal but a reporter named Bob Downing has been writing some interesting articles about the Utica drilling.

Gas exploration sparks economic surge in Carroll County

"Other counties with permits are Tuscarawas (seven)"

"The company (CHK) has boosted the number of drilling rigs in Ohio from five to eight this year.  It may have as many as 20 rigs in Ohio by late 2012 and 40 by 2014, the company said."

"Ohio is expecting as many as 4,000 wells drilled into the Utica shale in the next four years as more rigs are moved into the state. Site preparation takes three to four weeks. Drilling takes three to five weeks more. Fracturing a well takes seven to 10 days."

another recent article
Stark has record-setting day for drilling leases

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Chesapeake Is Said to Discuss $4 Billion Pipeline Sale
By Zachary R. Mider, Jeff Green and Joe Carroll - Jun 6, 2012 4:33 PM ET

Interesting that this is the first week for the last few months were the number of permits and drilled wells is the same as last week on the ODNR web site 

Golden Quill Winner--How It All Began: The Geology of the Marcellus Shale
Jenelle Pifer Air date: 06/02/2012

Fracking in Ohio Sparks Real Estate Rebound: Mortgages
By Brian Louis - Jun 11, 2012 12:00 AM ET

Ohio policy debate over severance tax to continue
By Bob Downing Published: June 12, 2012

CNX rep told me they're filing two permits for Tusc wells this or next week.  I'm told the areas are staked out as well.  Near Ragersville/Stone Creek area, east of the Troyer well.

Since CNX drilled the Troyer, and the database has said "moving Rig" for a while. then that is a good sign that CNX is staying in the area.  There is at least a one week lag from when ODNR posts the spreadsheet and when the data was validated.  There may be other delays too, so I suspect you may see a rig drilling long before it shows up on the database.  One would think that the permit has to be the first thing to happen, or someone isn't doing their job.   The "before drilling" groundwater quality samples have to be taken after the permit and before the ground is disturbed.   Let's see how long between the posted information and the "permit issued" date that is listed on that spreadsheet.   Keep in touch.

Shale oil could allow U.S. to slip OPEC’s grip
Cartel dismisses talk of self-sufficiency as mere projections
By  Andrew Callus  REUTERS Friday June 15, 2012 7:36 AM

Nice annimation that is only 16 days old

06/19/2012    06/10/2012    15    7    261    76    276    83
06/25/2012    06/17/2012    15    7    273    78    298    85
But still no new permits in Tusc.    

Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Resources: Separating the Frack from the Fiction

Recent drilling tidbits By Bob Downing Published: June 26, 2012

Drillers are shifting away from natural gas-only areas for areas like eastern Ohio where they can get ethane, butane and propane.

OEC sponsoring Fracking Forums
By Bob Downing Published: June 25, 2012

Natural gas gold rush: Is your state next?
By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY Updated 6/27/2012

Could Cheap Gas Save the Economy?
Martin Neil Baily of the The Brookings Institution June 27, 2012

Landowners get answers from pipeline company
Written by Jeff Barron The Eagle-Gazette Staff 6:27 AM, Jun. 28, 2012

America's Jaw-Dropping Shale Gas Boom Is Starting To Slow Down

Israel’s Emergence As Energy Superpower Making Waves
Walter Russell Mead July 2, 2012

U.S. Energy Information Administration  Electricity Monthly Update
With Data for April 2012  |  Release Date: June 27, 2012  |  Next Release Date: July 26, 2012


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