It looks like MarkWest is running a pipeline just sw of cadiz and they are looking for an easement thru my farm. I will get details tomorrow but my neighbor was visited and they talked about putting 5 pipelines thru this easement. Anybody else been contacted and is there any landowner groups for pipeline easements.

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Does anyone have a name & phone number for the contact person for Mark West pipeline easement? My brother has a farm not too far from the airport, and he is thinking he might be interested in the ROW and would like to talk to someone . Thanks

I dont think it works that way, they figure out the shortest easiest route for the pipeline and then approach landowners. But it may be worth a shot. If he is near the airport then they would most likely run it across Consols property. Our land guy brought me a revised map moving the pipeline onto Consol property and off of my neighbor because he said the have a good relationship with Consol and that was one less owner to deal with. Our agent is Rob Patterson 425-922-4771 but he said each agent has a section of the ROW and our neighbor has a different agent working with them. We havent heard from our guy in two months. I think these things move rather slow.

hello sorry it took me awhile to answer, my contact persons name from MarkWest is, and this is no joke, michael moore,   ph #813-918-6901. i looked at the map MarkWest gave me with a dotted line showing the route and it is the shortest route through my property and my neighbors.   when i speak to him one on one i'll get back to you and let you know more.  calling him now.

Thanks, I'll pass it on.

hello again.  i just spoke to mike moore from MarkWest.  he said the pipeline would NOT be shared with my neighbor.  it will be on my property.  mike said the pipeline is coming from 519 ( also known as stumptown rd) running south of my place.  He said in a couple of weeks engineers will be out to look at the terrain through my place and then he will contact me and we will talk about the specifics. i didnt ask about money i figured no point in it until i hear from him again.  i asked if this was covered in my lease with chesapeake and he said "no because they are not connected to them."  i will have a separate lease with them.  oh no...not again with the lease stuff.  anyway i asked him how many pipelines.  he said anywhere from 1 to 5.  he said they will be underground.  they will plant good stuff over the top.  He stated that the hunters are happy with it because it brings in the wildlife especially deer.  my family will be happy about that!  it will be a 75 ft wide area, but all pipelines will be in that area. ( thats the width not the length.)  they are having a hardtime finding a way down because of the rough terrain in that area.  mike said they will pay for the trees.  i asked if i decide to sell the trees could they not cut them into pieces and he said that they will do whatever i want, he will pay me for the trees anyway.  he appears to be willing to work with me. he actually seems very nice.  i know hes a business man, but i got the feeling he cares about my concerns.  i asked him if they were drilling in cadiz or if he knew where and he said south of me, not cadiz.   i never really thought about chesapeake not drilling on or near my place.  thats depressing!!!! LOL!!  boy am i a dreamer! hahaha



Remember this guy is not your friend and should be treated like a car salesman on steriods. Make sure you consult an attorney before signing and check with your neighbors to see if they want to form a group to negotiate better terms.

Well after reviewing these other recent posts....I find it interesting that I have a third contact for Markwest.  We have three different land agents for the Markwest pipelines in our area alone.  Also, if you google the implementation schedule for the plants to be on-line for Markwest, they only have about 6 months to secure all of us under terms.  I am not sure if we truly are ready for the changes that are on the horizon for the county.  Money aside....the landscape will change drastically. 

Do your homework, here is the Ohio Farm Bureau info and a sample agreement from PA



Thank you for the sample agreement.  The agreement has good addendum clauses, but I would never sign a lease on a per acre basis calculation.  Numbers pencil way to far in landowners favor if our easements have mulitple pipelines.  It looks like that will happen in the MarkWest line.  Al also did a great post on the Harrison County page last year.  Everyone should read it and get what you can out of it.


Even though this says "per acre" everything I have seen so far is by the foot. I used it for the addendums and other language. It was used by a MarkWest affiliate in PA. Hope it can help ......


I think it nice for you to offer this to everyone involved with Markwest.  How is you landowner group splitting the legal fees?  Is there a landower involved that is an attorney?  Is there a fee to join you land owner group?  I would say that you would be held to the confidentiality statement after excuting the agreement, but it is hard for them to enforce it.  I am not an attorney so I would NOT advise you legally.



Who are you working with from MarkWest? (Are they from Cardinal Gas Services?)

Thank you


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