I just met with Western Land Service ( Mark West ) they wanted signed permission to enter and do a survey, i saw no reason to stop them even though i still have no gas lease. I have not heard from Chesapeeke since i told them i would not sign without a no surface clause, they said they would give me it but drop the price considerably i said no way, that was back in April or May. I had a feeling they would want to connect the three wells im near, (industry Brighton twp) and now these guys show up wanting to survey not sure what to think now. After talking to the guy he says this is the Butler to Vanport line and they look at different routes to see what is easier and i assume cheaper, also while looking at map noticed a neighbors property who was highlighted in red and wont give permission kinda of the ideal route, they are gonna go around him. He says It will be one Pipe at first then over time 4 more, and there will be a 75 Foot right of way. Just wondering if anyone else talking to these guys to.

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They have talked to 3 of my neighbors, each of which has considerable acreage. Seems they have settled on one of them just recently and are trying to get them to sign. This is in South Beaver, just east of old Blackhawk road and appears the pipeline is headed to just east of Blackhawk village, ie the intersection of Lisbon and Old Blackhawk. They offered some measly number which wasn't acceptable. They are still working on them to sign. It appears they have started up North and are working their way South to Vanport as their plan comes together along the way. Of course that is just my perception.

My opinion is minimum of $25/ft, this is a 36" line you are talking about. Some say they have received $1 per inch of diameter per foot. Remember if you have frontage on a road that they will be crossing you are going to lose a fair chunk of frontage property forever.


Craig, I have seen you mention this is to be a 36" line. I was told by the landman there would initially be a 10" line soon followed by at least one more 10" line. 75' wide easement. The path proceeds in an easterly direction to the south of Wampum and will be bored underneath the Beaver River , I think through Gateway's property. From there I do not know. I do know the destination is Butler somewhere and it is supposed to pertain to the Shell Cracker plant coming to Vanport. I have already signed , perhaps too hastily , but I don't want to stand in the way of the growth of this. There is a confidentiality clause but I can say that if they are really 10" lines , the $1.00/inch diameter is pretty close. This is not a one shot deal either. Every line subsequently laid will pay x$/foot. If they ultimately lay a total of 5 lines , as gary m notes above , I will make more from this than my signing bonus with Shell. Like you , I definitely believe we are in the thick of things as far as NGL's go!

Looking forward to having a real long shooting range when (if) this is done! The deer and turkeys love these pipelines too. Natural locations for trapping fox and coyotes as well. Just may have to buy some implements for the quad and put in some food plots!

if you have time to search beaver county recorder of deeds you can follow pipelines route to cross mansell property this side of ohio river . Supposed to be industry side lock 6 going north towards jenkns well. Talked to guy at horsehead supposed to connect to the larger pipeline in place there.

Glenn, funny you mention a 10" line or two because a friend of mine about 1 mile West of where they have been talking 36", tells me that they are after him for i believe one 10" with more possibly. Maybe we are looking at two separate ROW and pipelines?
Shooting range heh? Sounds good ! Watch zoning laws though some places are restricting what you can do with a shooting range.

Craig, it could be 2 different pipelines. I will have to check out our zoning regs , but New Beaver is still pretty rural and landowner friendly. Alot of Conservative , common sense thinking folks here , thank God! 


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