Today Carrizo Oil & Gas announced that it is entering the Utica Shale Play by way of a Joint Venture with Avista Capital Partners. There are 15,000 acres involved and Carrizo is paying $1,500 per  acre for ONLY 10% interest. You do the math. What would the value per acre be for 100% interest?


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Gulfport Energy released the well results from their Shugert well this morning. Quite impressive. See the link...


Here is a Google Earth map of the Shugert 1-H location. You will need Google Earth installed on your computer to view it.

CONSOL is drilling two wells in North Jackson. See the link...


Marathon and Harvest Pipeline building barge loading facility in Wellsville to load Utica oil , See the link...


The state DNR has posted the "new & improved" drilling and permit activity report, which is current thru 9/30.


Read the top three articles . Interesting that Carrizo has sold it's northern Utica leases. Could the buyer be the same who purchased the northern Chesapeake acreage? Is a major putting together a large position in the north? Possibly BP? See the link...


Lease prices in the Utica sweet spot counties are going up. Ohio lease rates are now in the top 5 in the nation. If you are in a good location, you may be glad you aren't leased yet. See the link... Make sure to watch the slide show of the top 5 states.


Consol has released their 3rd qtr results, with info on their Utica and Marcellus drilling activities. See the link...


CNBC is featuring stories on Ohio's Utica Play all day, with big feature at 6 pm on Cramer's Mad Money show. See the top story on the link....


I wonder what kind of spin they will put upon it?

Easy to guess but watched it and it went just about how you thought.  Talk about supposed dangers but not one note about how long it's been used or the safety record the drilling companies have.  It even seemed like a 'non-friendly' account of the people who made money on leases with no mention of how long they've struggled to make enough of a living off their farms so that they could hold onto them.   It is very sad to me that not one 'news' channel ever mentions that these are the same people whose property taxes have supported local schools and government for years.


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