I live in the area and wonder if anyone knows if the well is finally up and running after being tied up in the courts for several weeks. We have 38 acres and signed a lease a good while ago which was way too early I think.Being close to the Ohio border, is it true that it is the wet gas? I have been told both ways.

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I was told today that the McRoberts well is done with the fracing part. It took them only 5 days. I was also told more equipment was to come in, for what I don't know and I don't know when.

They didn't get the flowback or flare it yet. Maybe that's it. But people around there still think there must be a problem with the well. To only actually frac for 2 days seemed odd and people think they ran into problems. They were there for a week, but the actual fracking was only 2 days.

What I had posted yesterday came straight from the company so I guess only time will tell what the problem is, if any.

anybody hear any details of the settlement?  i am in the other group in the courts so i am curious.

No Mark. I've seen the fact that the case has been closed but nothing about the settlement.I;ve seen that in 3-4 papers but no specifics.

my gut feelings tells me they got a decent settlement, otherwise it would not have been closed.


I think you've got it right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I just came past the McRoberts well and there is another rig standing. It must have gone up this morning, cause there was a lot of noise up there.

They are drilling the plugs out and getting flowback. A friend there tells me they are not sure if they will flare or just shut it in.

Thanks Frank for the info. I hope this works, there is no reply to your post so I tried someone elses. Do you know anything about a Bibbee proposed well on Enon Rd? I forget where I read it but it said something about a permit being issued for them. I just wondered where it would go?

My friend tells me that is on hold, pending the outcome of the Act 13 lawsuit. Seems there is not enough of a setback for it, with township setback rules. They'll drill it, but not now. They'll figure something out. Seems not everyone near it wants the well there.

Thanks! Do you know exactly where it would go on Bibbees?  Wouldn't that be too close to McRoberts? You know their property buts up against McRoberts with a gas line on McRoberts.


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