It looks like MarkWest is running a pipeline just sw of cadiz and they are looking for an easement thru my farm. I will get details tomorrow but my neighbor was visited and they talked about putting 5 pipelines thru this easement. Anybody else been contacted and is there any landowner groups for pipeline easements.

Views: 23889

Replies to This Discussion

Christian Ramsburg:

Yes I know who you are now.    Some of us have been working in the oil and gas industry since the 90's, never thinking we would see a landscape like today.  If you trully know the route, than you know it will travel right through the area you shot that doe in 2004, when I approached you.  Our best and isolated area of our land.  I could care less if they go around us.  Also, as you well know every angle of pipeline above 15 degrees in turn will certainly be a issue for a pig cleaner.  Do you think they are going to zig/zag 20-36 inch transmissions lines from the industrial park to hopedale?  I appreciate your advise, but I disagree, and if I am wrong than I preserve the landscape of our property without feeling we didnt get enough for the hassle.  I hope you are doing well, and i hope your comments are based trully on good advise to landowners and not based on your new career path.  After all your family are landowners as well in Harrison.  Shoot a big buck this year!!!

That would not have been me in 2004, it was probably my one friend that hunted there .  They wont zig zag, but just change the angle of the line completely.  I dont blame you for not wanting a pipeline go through if they dont pay what you think is fair.  My point is that they wont pay 3 times their price just to accomadate what you want to get paid.  Especially when they still need to sign landowners with 1000's of acres, they are trying to avoid higher prices as long as possible.  Someday you may get $60, but not from this line, in my opinion.  My point of view comes as a landowner first.  If it sounds like im trying to sell the pipeline, Im not.  Its a matter of if you want the money and sacrifice some disturbance, or if you can do with out the money, which would be even better. There are very few landowners in Harrison county that actually have the power to change the market price. Trust me, we are not signing for $15. Im just telling you what I know from the ROW people I work with.

Does anyone know what the size of this line is going to be? Landman says he doesnt know.

Hey Chris:

Did MW start installing pipe on your land yet heading south to the Cadiz Industrial Plant?



They have the trees cleared, but they told us there wouldn't be any open ditches until early 3rd quarter for the Majorsville-Hopedale line.  I have no idea on the Cadiz -Hopedale line, it sounds like a stand still right now.  They are having problems securing their route for both Majorsville and Cadiz, from what I hear.

Understood that they may go around which may or may not be desirable.  In my case the $15 a foot with a step down to $10 a foot for any additional pipes is simply way to low.  2000 linear ft is about 30k but the 75ft ROW is large and the lease is filled with way too many vague items that landowners should beware of: 1.)  Paid when pipeline is started.  When is that?  If I'm to sign a lease I want a set time frame for payment, I might get paid 25 yrs from now hypothetically. 2.  )  Defend title to property.... no way, why would I defend anything.  They have the big time attys to do that.  Let them do the title work and leave me off the hook. 3.)  There is nothing in the lease about subcontractors and if Markwest subs out and someone gets hurt, then another problem for landowner. 4.)  Right to move pipeline in the event of earthquake etc..I can see this as a need but its not defined well as to where and who gets to decide where pipeline is move to.  There are many more provisions that need amended if I were to personally sign.

Overall, the lease is one sided from a legal standpoint with the money being a separate issue of course.  Based just on the lease language it might be worth letting them go around you if they won't make it more landowner friendly ( and they might, I'm not that far along with them but as written and priced I'm not impressed. )

Now all that said I am not one to stand in the way of progress.  The gas boom is a good thing for all.  And being too greedy is not good for either side.  I'd be content with 25 per ft and all of the above amendments and a few important others.

Two topics tossed in money and contracts but both are important.

my land man told me 20"


Hunter was told 12".  My landman didnt know...which is bull****.  I wish these aholes were straight forward.

yesterday in the harrison news herald, they reported that the village and county had both inked deals with Markwest for $30/ft for first and $15/ft for each additional pipe in 75' ROW. did not state what size pipes

Good Info Josh.  Keep in mind they are really trying to take it easy on Mark West given the investment the company is investing in the area.  Its still more than we got offered!!

We have an easement on our property, signed for Forty thousand dollars. Price is for less than 2 acres.

Can you give more details. What township and was this a Markwest line? Thanks for any help


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