As we have seen, the Marcellus shale drilling success has lead to an over-supply of natural gas and a depressed price.

 The driller's answer was - go to the wet gas Utica areas to capitalize on the higher value of natural gas liquids mainly ethane. Now this success has lead to an over-supply of ethane and the price of ethane is now less than the equivalent methane. The ethane cannot be left in the gas going into the pipeline because it contains more BTUs than methane (1070 vs approx 1025) and that would raise the value too close to the limit pipelines allow - 1100 BTU.

  The answer may be to shut-in some Utica wells and return to the dry gas areas, but wait there is an over-supply of gas. What's needed is more useage, but that is going to take time and even then there's such an over-supply that prices are not going to change much for a long time.

 The drillers are between a rock and a hard place.

  Here are a couple of articles from Platts.

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It's too bad that you're a whackadoo because I'm actually interested in the thoughts of people on the other side of the issue.  Do you have any friends or family that are coherent enough to join us on here and give us some perspective?

sorry, Marcus, no one is as intelligent and brilliant as you-- so, you won't be able to hear us , understand us, or converse with us.  

STOP. Marcus - you should know better. You 'GUYS' - 'gas guys' - are all acting like a MACHO PACK of WOLVES snappin' & sniffin' about - marking your 'intellectual territory'. There are TWO sides to EVERY COIN. I'm all for the 'live nickel'. Go for it. ...but at WHAT EXPENSE? 'You guys' are in the 'driver seat' for NOW...but give this another five years & see how the 'reins' tighten up.

I don't know ANYTHING about this Vera, but I don't know anything about YOU either. Life is full of 'shades of grey'. There is a SEASON to everything.... I can say that it's just NOT RiGHT what's happening in the vicinity of these wells. The Frack water that comes OUT of the wells is STRANGE - GOOFY.... You can't tell me that it is. Can you? Justify it. Back it up. I've read through all of the things on this 'discussion'...and it is very MASCULINE/JOCK oriented focus. NO 'realities' (just ROYALTY oriented.).

Money, money, money...mmmm - I smell money. Gimme' that, gimme' that...gimme', gimme' gimme' that! - Give me that money...(like 'give me the bacon') Ha-Ha!...see? *Bet you cracked a SMILE at THAT one, Mark m'dear, my very good fellow! It's ok - you don't have to 'share with the macho group'...but I know you did! SHOW ME THE MONEY...SHOW ME THE MONEY. I hope EVERYONE involved will 'make lots of money'! OK. back to 'serious'....

You got it right, fella's - EVERYONE wants to GET 'RICH'...that's AMERICA. There's no problem with THAT. None at all. It's just that we ARE in America. What's wrong with this picture. The money's fine. The 'creating American jobs' - all well & good. Decimating & forever destroying an irreplaceable asset (TARA)...unacceptable. IF you 'gentlemen' were 'bigger people'...this SHOULD BE an 'issue' a concern. There's 'room' here for EVERYONE. GREED & FEAR are strong 'drivers. Where did all the MEN go? I'm sure that your FATHERS didn't act like you are doing...but I don't know. Enjoy your money. I like money as much as 'the next guy'...but I've 'lived through enough / gone through enough' to be wiser. You are just 'taking the EASY road'. WHAT will you do if/when the 'well' runs dry? WHEN this mashugina(sp?) with the land DOES get monitored & they (the government) 'TIGHTENs DOWN the HATCHES' because THAT 'serves THEIR interests' better then. (WHere will YOU be THEN? big boys?). Don't be little minded. Things tend to 'bite back'. 

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Who is John Gualt? He who stands firm. My mom also said, "Be kind to everyone because EVERYONE has it TOUGH!" Good woman - my mom!

HERE are the facts (how 'bout THIS: Here are the FRACKS:)...I (think I) KNOW how expensive these vertical wells are (around 4 mil, eh?) horizontal more (10mil or so...round about). You fellas straighten me out on this, please....and there IS an INSANE amount of DRILLING going on. There ARE alot of PROBLEMS happening - and the responsible parties AREN'T 'owning up'. There's GOT to be a good 'middle ground - SOMEWHERE.

OK, rest well tonight. Tomorrow's another day. Carpe Diem. Shalom.

Do what you do when you *WHACKADOO*...that's Gayson for you...nothing new (under the shale?...HMM...)

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. What a fella.

Keep it up Vera. Your nonsensical posts and activities actually help the movement to advance drilling activity by taking away credibility of opposition. 

your words as considered nonsensical by others who oppose drilling.

you make your type of remarks and I will make mine; I live with this;

do you??

Leave Vera alone, eventually she will run out of new things to say and we can go on with reality as the real world sees it. Seriously, she is preaching to the choir here. Ignore her. this is all she has.

Well said Ted....aaaahhhh... the beautiful smell of oil and gas wafting from my neighbors well. Smells like just like money.

Dear, Dear Vera - NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP! Never give up 'your MIND'!

*These guys sound SCARED! DON'T THEY?! WHO are 'you guys', REALLY??? - all 'whiny & moaning' (PLEASE mommy -don't take away my $bottle!)...they sound like some exotic bred of 'yellow ants'. Yoiu guys, stand up & take it like a man! - pull up your britches & act like MEN! (you sound like a bunck of old women - moaning & crying! You guys!! Come on - pick yourself up & brush off your knees...that's a good, little boy. Bunch of babies. I'm too old to 'change diapers' - how about YOU, Vera?

Hey - just had THIS thought - see how everyone's 'name' is 'highlighted in that 'soft grey/blue'? *What IF 'gomarcellusshale' would have ANY 'G&O affiliation' individual's name/ID  be in 'RED' (like a 'RED herring')... so that they could be 'distinguished' (*ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH the 'G&O' industry...landman, pipeline man, lawyer, +). Yes, they deserve to be elevated to 'superior status'. Now that I really think about it...PINK might be better! ...and any LANDOWNER remains in this 'royal blue' shade. Not a bad idea!

These guys all have 'key one liners'. Hey - big guy...I looked up who 'Jim-Tom' is.SMART GUY - YOU would only be so LUCKY to even be associated' with him. 'Spat out coffee, eh, marcy-boy? - try to swallow! It's not THAT tough! shut your mouth - keep your lips together, and gulp.

I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here of these 'men'...they only reply 'curtly' & with meanness ...little minded whiners! Here's your nut, squirrel - go get it! He who has the LAND makes the RULES! Tread lightly & carry a big stick...speaking of 'sticks' - here's something you should get a chuckle out of, Vera...remember this one from when you were young?...STICKS and stones may 'break my bones' but names will never hurt me. Like I said - my mother had a WONDERFUL IRISH SAYING: "Strike this match - and see where YOU light!"...never get an Irishman's dander up.

Enough've got the land. TARA. When one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles noblesness. Where have all the NOBLE GENTLEMEN gone? Tisc, tisc...God save the Queen? (maybe...) God save our LAND & COUNTRY! HE WHO STANDS FIRM. Who is John Gault?

Grow up, fellas - SERIOUSLY! ...and they huffed, and they puffed - but my HOUSE stood firm! Blowhards! pooh-pooh...go on with you now.

Anyone have an aspirin?

That is the biggest stretch of “keyboard diarrhea” I have seen in a long time.

Bad news Vera, GG has appeared and is determined to provide some competition for the title of Village Idiot for the month of January.



Jack Straw obviously doesn't have diarrhea from polluted water that he is drinking like other citizens in our county.  come and drink the water that is polluted near gas drilling and see how you get the runs.


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