"No news is not good news.

Nor is it bad news.

It is simply no news !

What's up ?"


Posted this discussion on the General Forum page and learned of a smaller new well pad around the Williamsfield area and of another in West Andover.  Check out the post.

Are these "exploratory test bores" ?

Maybe vertical Rose Run bores ?

Maybe shallow Clinton wells ?

Why no new entries for permits for these wells showing up on the Ashtabula County ODNR report ?

Any more info. on these wells or others ?

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Isn't the depth classified as a rose run for the 5 new leases for the Andover area? if this is so do you think there will be any horizontal drilling with them>

Still trying to put 2 + 2 together here.

I'm still only coming up with theory and looking / listening / waiting for some confirming input / data.

Noting that based on the permit data Brad points us toward and other things I've read and heard, it looks like the new Ashtabula wells are verticals and into the formations / intervals found even below the Utica Point Pleasant.  Those include the "Black River", "Gull River", "Wells Creek", "Beekmantown", "Rose Run" and "Copper Ridge".

Wondering when we'll see or hear of a Utica Point Pleasant set of wells complete with oversized concrete pad, planned horizontal laterals, etc.

For info. I've also read (in the recent Gulfport 'Proving Up The Utica's Liquid Window' publication) that Gulfport targeted acreage where their geologists found overlapping indicators / attributes and a Point Pleasant thickness of at least 100 feet - which I guess their team translated into the sweetest of the sweet spots.  Within that Gulfport publication can be found their maps including the maps showing S1, TOC and Point Pleasant thickness.  According to their Point Pleasant Thickness map, the Ashtabula County Point Pleasant is thickest in the extreme southeastern corner at about 90 feet thick and tapers toward 50 feet thick progressively northward.

In my neck of the woods it's about and minimally 70 feet thick as near as I can read - and reading it is kind of tricky as they show the extreme north boundary of Ashtabula County, Ohio as being the border line between Canada and the U.S.A. out in Lake Erie.  

Anybody have anything to add ?

Just trying to stay as enlightened as possible here.


Joseph,  check out the following thread:



The "Gulfport map" that you refer to above is garbage as far as Ashtabula is concerned... it was taken from a 1989 report that was based on a lot of guesswork, not actual cores.  The Point Pleasant in Ashtabula County is much thicker than what that old map indicates (see above post) based on actual deep wells drilled since then.


My question is simply this:  Why do you think Gulfport would publish such an outdated map?

Thanks for your reply.

Posted the same link a few days ago.

My post with the link was titled "Read This On Another Page".

Do you have better data (than Gulfport's map) on the thickness of the Point Pleasant in Ashtabula County you can refer us to ? I for one would like to see it.

Why Gulfport would publish such an outdated map is a wonderment I share with you.

Can't rule out camoflage can we ?

ODNR's latest map also reads short on actual test / core data.

Do you think they (ODNR) will publish updates when more actual test / core data becomes available ? I sure hope so.

How about Ohio House Bill 493 ? Any news on that ?

How about Ohio House Bill 537 ? Any news on that ?

How about Senate Bill 378 ? Any news on that ?

Wonder what ODNR's position is on those three Bills ?

All of it worrysome to me.

"..................It remains more than 100' thick even in northern Ashtabula as you approach Lake Erie (110' to 125' thick in Saybrook & Plymouth Twps.).  MFC's two Rose Run wells in Jefferson Twp. (permit #24531 and #24532, both drilled Aug-2011) logged the Point Pleasant at 174' and 315' thick respectively.  Other recent deep wells in Rome and Williamsfield Twps. show the Point Pleasant at 150' to 160' thick."

Went back to the link and read your above comment on PP thickness and see you're referencing real data / well logs.  Thanks for the insight.

You must have posted after my 1st read (of the linked post / conversation).

Still worried about all the legislation / government intervention into rules that have served us all well in the past.

Looks to me like our government is stalling things until they can figure / legislate a way to keep the return on the landowner's investment all for themselves.

The government will get enough return just the way things are set up now - no changes - no more stalling - let's get our recovery moving in the right direction - the landowner's direction.

Thanks again.

Any leasing going on anywhere in Ashtabula County? I read somewhere that a couple companies are around, but I cannot find the discussion. Thanks...

Buckeye mineral development llc is with the eastern ashtabula landowners association. They are a landowners group.

I haven't heard anything from the bogus wishgard people. I would advise not signing with them at any cost. They make promises, then don't produce anything but excuses, and false hope.

 Anybody hear anything regarding Richmond twp.?

Wishgard was vetted here years ago. Anyone foolish enough to sign with them deserves whatever aggravation they get.

Thanks for the support....you're a real encouragement finnbear. lol.

I will admit, I was one to sign with them before they were "vetted" here, or else ware.

So, since you have all the answers, and smart assed replies covered, I'll just read instead of contribute. Not much to read here anyways, except conjecture and rumor.

A quick search will yield numerous disgruntled people who have dealt with them. You should never enter into a high $ business deal like an oil and gas lease with anyone without thoroughly researching them. Going in blind is sure to yield aggravation, heartache, and often times worse.

1st pregnant question that pops into one's mind - and especially after reading all of the negatories on this thread and many earlier threads - is:

Why should any landowner think that any similar leasing agency / dual agent treat any landowner any differently (better) and other than a 'mark' ??

Landowner Beware Seems To Me To Still Be The Order Of The Day !!

To me this market has truly proven to be Landowner Hostile.

Reminds me of how it seems to be that the multitudes of people who go to a church of their choice regularly and just as soon as they walk out the door begin once again screwing over anyone and everyone they can.  Saying all the while  ' Trust me neighbor I'm on your side, I'm your friend '.  Experience has taught me that whenever I hear that line it's really time to watch your back.


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