hilcorp leased some gamelands in pulaski twp ,lawrence county.

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If this is true, the theory that deals are made across the board when the energy company wants your piece.  Remember the Romanian in Columbiana that got $6200/20% ?


The shotgun initial phase has been over and now the clean up phase will progress as the wells go in.

go to the pa. game commission site and click on news.

state gamelands 232  in washington  county also was leased by chesapeake for a one year /2500 per acre and 23.25 royalty.

I like this deal, the landowner knows production within a year so "give me more royalties!"

i just hope that the sportsmen who really fund the game commission will stay focused enough to keep the state from taking them over. they have a kind of autonomy from the politicians. the dep and the dcnr would like nothing better than to take them over. they have been trying since the middle ninties. the quote back then was ''we can't have a bunch of rednecks having control of 6 billion dollars in timber and oil and gas rights''.  that would be 60 billion now with fracking.

Wow, I never thought much about this, I sold a 30% stake in the second oldest hunt club in Ohio here in Lowellville a decade ago.


Are you saying many acres are in the hands of sportsmen, approximately how much in the Marcelus and Utica?

they are in the hands of sportsmen through the game commission. the commission people are not the same people as the dep and dcnr, who come right out of the leftist universities.  you can google the relationship of the commission to the state. i believe they are a seperate, to an extent,entity.

Oh, I get it, you are talking about gamelands (state).

So the people running the gamelands are like us?

yes.  like us.    most hunters don't like game wardens because they will fine you if you break the law, which is really easy to do considering the regs. those hunters need to take into consideration that the wardens don't want to disarm americans,or take your property. they are hunters too. something most liberals can't fathom. trapping really sets them off.


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