I'm looking for landowners in my vicinity (County Line & Byers Road) in Irwin Township, Venango County, Pennsylvania.  I have 25 uninhabited acres used only for hunting and I am willing to allow the drillers to use my parcel to do the "dirty" work leaving others around me relatively undisturbed.  If you own property in this vicinity, let's get together.

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George;  have you gotten any interest?  How many landowner/acres have been assembled?

I had an offer last year but decided to hold out.


There are several neighbors (Amish and "english") who are interested, probably 150 to 200 acres total.  I haven't spoken with those outside these 6 or so immediately adjacent to me.


I am your neighbor on top of you (the old mcconnel farm)

I think there is new interest in our area more utica than marcll

We should get together and discuss

I have 65 acres in Irwin Township.  Let me know if you hear of any news of leasing in our area.

Hi I have property in Irwin off Dog Hollow rd. abou 90 acres. Keep me posted as I a interested in leasing. Jodie

Dave who is interested in Irwin township?   I have 50 acres on the border of Irwin township and Barkeyville.   Thanks  Mark


     Please let me know if you found any interest for leasing in Irwin Township. I have 50 acres north of I-80.

Thank you

I have property in Irwin as well that I would like
to lease. About 86 acres. Keep me posted. Jodie

Folks, there's not much going on since Shell bailed out on many of us early last year. I signed up with the CX guys to see if they could come up with something. You'll find heated discussions all over this web site regarding CX. All I can say is they hold regular meeting to keep us informed, and they have a nice web site that shows you all the parcels in Venango county that are signed up with them.

I think maybe you ought to read the thread "M&P being sued" under general discussions. Perhaps your will have an attitude adjustment after reading about M&P / CX.

I humbly and sincerely apologize for my unflattering reference to Mr. George Brown as a possible shill for CX Energy.  I have been informed by a number of persons that Mr. Brown is an honorable and respectable man. We all make mistakes and George, I sincerely apologize for mine. Please bear in mind that a great number of people were harmed by M&P / CX in Mercer  County. Among them were several of my close relatives. Please do  read the entire thread "M&P being sued" which is found under "General Discussions"! It was started on February 9.2013. The entire thread may cause you to learn more about M&P / CX. I lump them together because they had a number of joint meetings in Mercer County and together harmed a lot of people. I would tell anyone to be very wary of CX Energy and or M&P. 

Apology accepted. I'm neutral on CX but figured I would give them a shot once Shell/SWEPI backed out on me.  I'm not recommending CX to anyone but they have been pretty good about keeping me informed. I realize other have had a bad experience with them.  Keep in mind I had a bad experience with Shell, but I would probably sign with them again if presented a decent offer.


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