In the last few days I've seen several folks reference the "Volatile Oil Window" for the Utica.  I thought I've been pretty well-informed about this play, but the "excitement" I've recently seen referenced to the Volatile Window is fairly news to me.  Can people in the know please share their resources/sources that discuss why this is an exciting part of the play to O&G companies?  I get why it is exciting, but haven't seen many references from the O&Gs to this portion of the play.  It doesn't even seem to be getting much activity right now.  I see lots of trumpets blowing about the "core" in Noble, Harrison, Guernsey, etc. but to me that's the NGL/wet gas region.  What am I missing?

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This is a good link for some information pertaing to the volatile Oil window.


I think areas to the West of Noble/Guernsey/harrison/Carrol  will be in for a pleasant surprise once infrastructure is in place adn drilling begins

That's one of the best, most detailed reports I've seen to-date. Wonder how I missed it. Ha!
Agreed, thanks Paul.

....I can't take was passed onto me by Steve Sifferlin....

Nat gas looks headed for $2.85 where a chart gap will get filled.  I see $4 as the ceiling until we get movement on east coast LNG.

A correction to an earlier post of mine follows.

Referenced the Crawford County PA. Group the 1st time but, apparently mistakenly - should have given the Ashtabula County, OH Group the credit !

So.......find the corrected post below:


"Thanks for the post - looks like some good info.

Saw another post at the Ashtabula County. Group.

Would like to see a few more cores taken in my vicinity (Ashtabula County, Ohio not too far to the West of Pymatuning).

Right now it looks as if we're practically on the line between the so-called Volatile Oil and Black Oil Windows.

More core samples / wells will tell much more.

Keep posting - we're all ears."

I guess afterall the Crawford County web pages also provided a link and I think earlier than the Ashtabula County one.

This one has more info. in the form of a more complete report:

Thanks for the information!  I am however,  questioning the wet/dry line that appears through Venango, on the map you have posted.  With the development of the National Fuel Red Brush well in Forest County, and the ongoing construction of a stripper plant, and compression station the actual wet/dry line should be far to the east.  Anyone with any thoughts, please post. Thanks!

was the forest county well utica shale?

Yes, Utica, Wet Gas

Another link to similar data with map that appears to generally confirm various Gas and Oil 'Windows'.

I write 'generally' since in many areas I think more core samples / actual wells very possibly could cause adjustments to the boundary lines indicated.

What do you folks think ?


So many maps and opinions!! So what area is western mahoning county in?


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