Fracking Hush Money:Drillers Paying for Silence - Video currently posted on

Mainly about one incident in CO, but makes reference to the practice occurring in the East 

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Nobody knows how to do a hit piece better than Bloomberg. 

 That article sounded like A Josh Faux story.

Oh common on please Fang!

Thanks Douglass,

The truth is out there for those who seek it.

First of all this is the only name I've ever used on this site, and haven't been on this site all this long.

Second, the only comment I made about this link, was that it was in CO. Did I offer any other opinion one way or another - NO. If I have an opinion about a particular post you'll know it.

The only reason I post items similar to this is so that you in particular can see the magnitude of the idiocy that is out there for you to overcome in your campaign. Frankly most fractivists are a brick or two shy of a full load , and have an unusual way of thinking how the world works. 

H. Bale,

I think most of us on this site are pro-fracking and if I am interpreting you correctly - you are merely posting examples of some of the ridiculouslous of the anti's?  You are trying to be objective?  Personally I believe - we need to show more examples of how idiotic some of these claims based on nothing really are.  We all live - work with people who absolutely will not research, and who will absolutely jump on any first media bandwagon.  Fang is one of the good guys - trust me!  He has helped a great many folks here understand what is going on around us. 


You hit the nail square on the head. Fang missed it this time.

I only post these examples so Fang (and others) can see what the uninformed/unwashed, whatever you want to call them are being fed by the anti's. This is all as ridiculous as this "First Responders" bill that is being pushed in Ohio. The anti's claim that if there is an O&G incident that requires first responders  they are going in not knowing what chemicals they are dealing with. That is BS.

"For any hazardous chemical used or stored in the workplace, facilities must maintain a material safety data sheet (MSDS), and submit the MSDSs (or a list of the chemicals) to their State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and local fire department."

Since most first responders are with fire departments now, we don't need another redundant law in Ohio.

Peoples ignorance today is appalling, and lots of people seem to walk around with their brain turned off. 

I don't have a problem with Fang - even IF I did own a pair of Blue Suede shoes. I never did care for ol' snake hips.

I don't have to respond....fang speaks for me!

It always seems the activists have a problem especially when they have little or no land to lease and use every angle to get a piece of the action us landowner get.  The difference is they put forward lawsuits to get the money to match us.  It is what is is extortion by the activists.  If it were not they would not settle and fight for the cause.   But each time the settle or lose. 



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