EQT is busy tearing up Crane run Rd. off Rt. 146  hauling truck after truck after truck of water to their well off red lane rd. Dont know if they are fracking or getting ready to,or just drilling. Cant see the wellpad from any rd. They are also setting up on Cubbison rd, not far west from Northstar rd.. That drill pad is very close to the rd. And not far from a couple houses. Both wells are on ODNR's website. Small acreage drilling units.  Anyone got more info?

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EQT doesn't seem to want to share any production reports, to landowners,or to investors. Hopefully they and ODNR will soon have to report monthly. May take an act of God!

Any info on the fracking ,

I think they were done a couple days ago.. all the big truck loads of sand etc are gone

havnt been up to see if high pressure air compressors still there...

you can drive right up to top of their driveway and take a peek...

no signs saying.. STAY OUT.. so I go to top and look and back out...

now im sure they will run you out if you go on up into pad area...


but everyghing can be seen from their driveway...


Thank you , I live about 3000 miles  away, but I have been keeping track on this site and

guernsey county and valley township ,for a year and a half now Thank you

                                                                                                  Paul Wheelock

Kamm/kastelic pad to start pretty soon....it is the only Permit up to date I see


plus Eqt said. Kamms is next....

Suppose to take several months to drill 6 holes and frack....

All of this oil/gas activity is barely a beginning of what is gonna happen in SE Ohio in the 5 years...

Looks like they are taking oil out in a tanker truck... gas will be flowed to metering station near Helena rd and into a DOMINION line..



So the drill rig has been moved to the Kamm site? or elsewhere  Paul Wheelock

they have to build a pad first

Out of curiosity, have you heard any rumors about the production of the Spencer 1H well, good or bad , Paul Wheelock

No actual figures. but EVERY well drilled has POSITVE OUTPUT...all...


Kamm/Kastelic 6 holes to be started in a couple days.. be months drilling...:)

Kamm site pad being built this week.. Drilling to start August 1st...

drill rig still not in place at Kamms....busy in Pa...


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