I just left a meeting in Wintersville, for leasing in Jefferson County and Belmont County. A group by attorneys Tzangas Plakas
Mannos Ltd. Offered 5000 and 20% for Jefferson and approx 6200 and 20% for Belmont Co. Said the need to know by next week I f I'm in or out. Caught me off guard. went from o interest in Jefferson to anyone can join. Does anyone know what Company this may be. Fee to be paid by Company.

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I will get with the neighbors to see if I can get them to entertain an offer with me to make a large track. I'm thinking 130, 60,5 acres probably. Maybe enough to drill on our own. I'll give you guys a call as soon as I do. Thank YOU All for your help in this matter.

I would like to hear more also Mike.

you can add me here or my email - just get me parcel ids acres etc...ill get mapped and ill get you a copy of the landowner friendly lease they've approved - pugh and everything else you could want.

Mike I have 116.2322  acres in Jefferson county How do I get in touch with you about leasing for the $5500 and 20 % royalties. 440 670-3909.

Go to their website:


to find out info.  Typical grup that arranges leases that they market to or represent oil company interests.


Just talked to my surrounding neighbors including Fire Dept. and they all signed to join the group. That kind of leaves my property right in the middle of all of them. I don't know if that is good or bad for me. If I sign with someone else , I would have to be traded to be included in any unit they may be putting together or they could go around me. Any thoughts on this I might be overlooking??

Terry, just my opinion.  If Joe Corabi can be trusted as you say and the lease is landowner friendly. The $5000 an  acre signing bonus is fair and as anyone will tell you the money is in the royalties. 20% gross is better than most have gotten so I think it's not worth the stress and hassles when you have a deal like this. I like the fact it's a local guy that I can see when I want and not someone from Texas or Oklahoma that I'll probably never see again that has put this together.

Attorney Jeff Brown and Trey Henderson, Stuebenville are also representing a group of Jefferson County land owners. Have seen the proposed lease and would have no trouble signing it with a couple minor addendums. If anyone is interested they should consider contacting Jeff as he will give you the details.1-740-282-1911

Thanks John I Know Jeff very well. He has done work for me before. Those have done group work before. I'll give him a call.

Sorry everyone, had family stuff this week. I'll try and respond to everyone today or by Thursday.


I just signed the agreement to join the Jefferson lease group. They still would not tell me the name of the Company. Said they will reveal at next weeks meeting. They should give the company and show the lease. I overheard one of the secretaries tell someone if you didn't have at least 20 acres they may not be interested. I'll let everyone know next week. I'll see if a barrel in the hand is worth more than two in the ground.

Well, it's beginning, got a postcard today from Buckeye Royalties for $5200 an acre and 20%. Only for Wells Warren, Mount Pleasant, and Smithfield townships. Must own at least 10 acres.  A meeting is set at Buckeye Local High School Aug. 14th. Has anyone heard of Buckeye Royalties?


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