Monroe county....New "Top Dog" in shale play? (8,800 BOE/D)

Antero Resouces just released these production #'s this morning.  Check out pg 3.

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Oh know I know. I was down there last week checking things out and it looks like I just missed you cuz your grass looked freshly cut. If you still have my number give me a call. Kind of curious what they told you last night. I am still in negotiations. I think we are in a real hot area and they know it. I can private message my phone # if you don't have it.

XTO finished drilling on the Monroe North pad last Tuesday. It's located in Switzerland TWP. very north east corner of Monroe Co. One Utica and One Marcellus. Fracking scheduled Sept-Oct.

Can anyone create or know of a list of the top producing shale wells throughout the world?  I think it would be interesting to see how the different shale formations compare to each other on a boe/d level.  A list of the top 10 producing wells in each formation (utica, marcellus, eagle ford, etc) comparing IP and current production would be a good start.  Any ideas?

What does BOE/D mean?? Thanks

Barrels of oil equivalent per day.  It's an archaic measurement that is based on energy created rather than value per individual unit of hydrocarbon.

Barrels of oil equivalent per day.

I know these numbers are big game changers. What is everyone seeing back there? Is there pipelines coming together? I have heard a bunch of stuff here on the forum but I was trying to get more info in regards to the S/E corridor (Monroe County) Perry and Washington Townships. I would think with numbers like these there would be a huge demand for the area. Wish I could drive out and see for myself but I am 2000 miles


Infrastructure takes time.  Wet gas processing facilities have all of their daily volume spoken for before they even break ground.  The hydrocarbons will still be in the ground next year, so landowners need to practice patience at this point.

Anyone hear of a Console well going in in Switzerland twp. Monroe County

No, I haven't heard that one.  However, Magnum Hunter is working on another pad to drill on Ormet.   And rumor has it Statoil when finished on the Dangel pad will return to Eisenbarth for two or three more laterals, and then probably move further out the ridge and start new pad.    Monroe does indeed seem to be a "hot" location.

I was contacted by console about leasing my land to them they said they were putting a pad in about 1/2 mile from my property and that I may be in unit, told them I was already leased with XTO and they said the courthouse was busy and easier to just send out letters sounds like it is going to but up to the unit XTO has

who knows that drilling is complete in Monroe/switz township??any more info on this??pipe line is suppose to go right thru to the xto well??/


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