Looks like PDC has changed name of second well to be drilled in Washington County to Neil Hz well, maybe on Righteous Ridge. This was previousy on map as Maxwell well

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Ron, I assume you ment started this past Monday(in August).??....Thanks, Gary 

sorry,messed up the date They started fracking Monday 8/13/13

I keep hearing about northern Washington County. What's the issue with the rest of the county. I have a lot of land just across the river.

Hang tight......it will get there in do time......maybe this time? .....it is kind of like a wave of water moving from the northeast to the southwest with time......we have a little property to the west of the Niell well.....waiting just like you.......infrustructre is the real problem.....there is just so fast they can move....I believe PDC needs a big brother Partner like Chevron.....$600 million is a lot of money it would appear except in the Oil/Gas business.....PDC mentioned in last weeks 2nd qt financial update call that they were looking at other producers to get involved in the area with them. Chevron for instance is generating about $2.3 billion excess cash flow per quarter(or about $25 million/day) with over $25 billion in cash on the balance sheet.....their stock holders are not real happy campers....either pay the money out in dividends or invest the money....I'm betting they reinvest at some point......PDC is not a large Oil/Gas company, they are more of an exployer.....lets see whats out there and if it is good, then get the big boys involved........I would hope it is close to time to get the big boys involved........on the other hand, be careful what you wish for.........ALL IMHO

I work in the industry, and as previously mentioned, the infrastructure is just not here yet. There are no pipelines or compressor stations for the horizontal wells in Washington County, don't expect to see much activity by a larger company until the processing plant in Noble is almost completed. I'd say it will be another year or two until things really start to pick up in this area. 

Aug 28, 2013

Brokerage firm reports that the best Utica wells point to Washington County

The Houston office of the full service brokerage firm Wunderlich Securities, Inc. released a report last week declaring that after "writing about the Utica-Point Pleasant Play for two years now... a clear trend is emerging: the best wells are lining up like a string of pearls and connecting the dots would lead us to Washington County, [Ohio]." Among the many key points covered in "Utica Shale: A String of Gushers Leading to Washington County," is the assessment that while Chesapeake Energy "remains the most active and largest player," Gulfport Energy "remains a top pick as it sits in the Utica catbird's seat." For more, visit the Wunderlich Securities website.
Any recent news about this well?

Ron mentioned they started fracking  this well on Aug. 13......if they rest it for 60 days, they should be about ready to test it for  initial production........anyone heard anything?....Also saw on here that Gulfport is starting to not rest their wells after fracking, but putting them in to production right away.......Thanks in Advance, Gary

In PDC latest presentation James Trimble{CEO} said they would flow test this well in coming weeks.

Also says after moving to Garvin and drilling 2 more laterals will move to Neil and add 2 more laterals.

Also will add second rig to Utica in early 2014

You can listen to presentation at petd.com   Oct2 in archived events webcasts&presentations investers relations

Ron....Thanks for the info......I listened to his presentation....very interesting...Gary

The state has anounced a permit for a second lateral, the Neil 2H last week,PDC must have good results for the first lateral.

Ron, Thanks for the update,....I agree.......Gary


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