"Pooling Isn't Popular, Especially Before Election
Scarnati had hoped to put a pooling provision into a wider bill addressing Marcellus Shale issues, including an extraction tax sought by House Democrats since shortly after the drilling boom began two years ago. However, pooling is likely to be punted into next year.
The Senate's last scheduled voting day this year is Oct. 14 and no pooling proposal has received a public hearing or even a lengthy floor debate. The issue is thorny enough, even if legislators weren't facing an election in four weeks.
An industry spokesman said Friday that he hadn't given up on the provision.
"The ongoing negotiations on taxation and modernizations to the statutory framework for our industry will likely ebb and flow over the next two weeks," said David Spigelmyer, vice chairman of the industry group, Marcellus Shale, and the director of governmental relations for Oklahoma City-based Chesapeake Energy Corp. ..."
http://kdka.com/wireapnewsfnpa/Pooling.isn.t.2.1943378.html .