EQT is busy tearing up Crane run Rd. off Rt. 146  hauling truck after truck after truck of water to their well off red lane rd. Dont know if they are fracking or getting ready to,or just drilling. Cant see the wellpad from any rd. They are also setting up on Cubbison rd, not far west from Northstar rd.. That drill pad is very close to the rd. And not far from a couple houses. Both wells are on ODNR's website. Small acreage drilling units.  Anyone got more info?

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The Clark well has been in production for months now. I wonder if any of the royalty owners have gotten a check yet, and will they be kind enough to tell us what the well is paying per acre?

I don't know anyone over there. and I think most of the well acreage is in a trust ?

would be nice to find something out...

What about the Detweiler well too, no production numbers yet.........?

I've heard production numbers for detweiler in the past.. I think they have drilled 3 wells on him not sure if all done for not I think they have been for a while

Love to see those numbers if anyone has or can find them.

The one Detweiler well I seen posted a while back was close tp 2,200 BOE a day well not sure what the other 2 wells are producing. The composition mix of the production is 49% condensate, 26% NGLs and 25% residue gas.

How many acres in the unit? and its 3 wells total correct?

541 acre unit.. A 2H and a 3H well. There is a 42-3H as well. So there will be 3 wells on this pad.

I think most of it is in a Trust.... no one I kknow.. knows anyone there...

I was looking at the Spencer well drilled by EQT today. Looks like it produced IP AT 283 MCF & 255 BO & 1584 Brine Water according to ODNR documents.


Could you tell me how you get the 

Summary cards for wells?

I got this well summary card from the ODNR Oil and Gas Viewer Map. You can find it at this link.



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