Driving south on 193 toward 88 Saturday 12-21-13 and noticed a lot of activity at the Jewett Well (BP) west side of 193 in Johnston Township in Trumbull County.

Then turned west on 88 and drove over Mosquito and past the Morrison (Brammer) and noticed no flare. That well is also in Trumbull County, but in Mecca Township on the south side of 88.

Got curious and went to the ODNR Well Locator and saw that the Morrison Well Horizontal appears to be 4 or 5 times shorter than the Jewett Well. 

At the ODNR Well Locator noticed also the Magyar Well planned Horizontal - of course that one is in Ashtabula County in Wayne Township.  The Magyar Well's (planned) Horizontal appears about half as long as the Jewett Well Horizontal.

I remember reading how Halcon came off negative about the Morrison production.  Thinking the length of the Horizontal would have a lot of impact on production. Can't see why it wouldn't actually.  What do you folks think ? ?

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Many of the O&G companies will actually report production numbers per frac stage or per lateral length. These numbers do actually matter in a big way. When evaluating production numbers, they must be factored in to the raw production numbers.



Much more dialogue on the above conversations at the Trumbull County pages - take the links and check it out.

Have since been advised that the lateral length indicated on the ODNR Map Graphic are not necessarily an accurate depiction of the actual length of the bore - now interpretting them as only directional vector indicators. For actual lengths need to check the Well Reports.
The Morrison well report indicates that the production comes from the Trenton formation.

Perhaps more important (just a layman's observation) is that oil having a lesser Specific Gravity than water floats on water and the 'Trenton' is reported to be just below the Point Pleasant which is at the bottom of the Utica.

Can we think the oil would also 'float' above the brine underground ?

Anyone care to pick that layman's logic apart ?

But then there's the viscosity and lower geo-pressure to consider complicating things.

Personally I still think they already have the expertise / technology to recover it; and, if / when they want it, they'll go collect it.

When that happens is up to them - not us.

Just a layman's observations and opinions.


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