Those daring young men in their drilling machines will soon have good reason to "drill baby drill" if this trend continues. This may be the result of this continued cold spell. In any case it is good for investors and land owners alike! Too early to pop the corks?

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Five dollars next?

that doesn't mean that you will be paid that $ amount at all.


More cold weather and the price of natural gas continues to climb! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Natural gas storage report ending the week of Jan 22 2014 19.8% below year-ago levels 13.2% below 5 year average. Still need more end useage to hold prices in the $5.00 to $6.00/MCF range

By the looks of the weather forecast usage is going to be very high!

Lower, and more importantly stable energy cost, is just one benefit of the shale that has helped our country float thru the current crappy economy and splintered political arena. The historical big spikes in NG prices are what has kept utilities and commercial commitments from switching to NG. And rising energy costs make everything else in life cost more quicker. It's freak'in cold! C a r e f u l W h a t Y o u W I s h F o r.

Drilling costs money. Energy is always in demand. When gasoline was through the roof people still needed it and bought it. The natural gas over-supply needed to be cleared out so that the country realizes the importance of the industry. Suddenly anti-frackers are looking like the A-holes they are. The industry needs a little boost in cash flow to get going again and to maintain that momentum. I am sitting on millions of dollars of natural gas and don't care who buys it as long as it is sold. Hello China! If our economy sucks it is not my fault. This country needs a wake up call! Natural gas is a great clean energy and the people who have it demand respect! I hope it the weather gets worse! I am a landowner who invested in land because I knew of the value of it. This country can kiss my a$$ for my ga$.



It never ceases to amaze me how low the anti shale crowd will stoop. Now they use the "race card"to turn people away from support of the shale industry (dislike of the Chinese).

It goes out of the country because we don't use it all, plain and simple.

I'm of a similar mind as you; I don't care who buys it as long as we get to buy it too.

Ba ba da BOOOOM!

Cory: I agree execpt for China. The question is what is the magic number definitely north of $4.00/MCF will $5.00 increase development or will the number be closer to $6.00? still need more end useage so producers will maintain a steady supply and not shut in wells during price slumps. Looks like CX-Energy has hit a new low. Anyone interested in selling their mineral rights just follow this site, lots of adds, and make a phone call. Yes Cory it is your gas and YOU SHOULD BE PAID FOR IT.

Mighty tall words for a "lottery winner".  No farmer anywhere in this area knew ahead of time that minerals would be worth what they are right now.  Count your blessings, not throw them in people's faces.  As far as this country kissing your ass, I personally take offense to that, having put my life on the line for the very right to live here and own land as you do.  As far as "respect" that is earned my friend - not demanded!  I am a fellow landowner who grew up farming and know the toils of that way of life, and  I fully support shale development.


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