Dr. Tony Ingraffea to Talk About Fracking at Butler Community College

Renowned authority on shale gas drilling, Dr. Tony Ingraffea of Cornell University, has been invited by Marcellus Outreach Butler to talk about the perils of fracking at:

7:00 pm, Thursday, November 21
Succop Theater
Butler Community College
107 College Drive, Butler, PA 16002

Free to the public. 

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Bill F,

Cite one instance where hydraulic fracturing was proven to be the cause of pollution. Just one.

@ Mark M ....Fracing is not the major concern with the extraction using HVHF it's the actual drilling that is causing most problems .I have seen it here near me and have water and air reports to prove it .Reports done by PA DEP and air tests by certified labs using suma canisters .I know quite a bit more about the whole process than you think .That statement of "Hydralic Fracing has never caused water pollution is old ,wrong and just a game used by the industry and you too ..Oh and I never mentioned about anything to do with noise bleeds either.Rashes,fumes,odors,methane in wells Yes have  seen and documented all of this .Also seen illegal dumping ,spills on roads,well sites and silica dust plumes next to people's homes .I am working to try to stop this ..


Those "reports" should be public knowledge, where can they be obtained ?

Good luck Mark. These guys just "stick and move"


I'm not holding my breath.

Mark ....All PA DEP water tests are under investigation (their rule limits public access until a decision is made ) . I have all other water and air test results here .I will not make them public to you who has no credit to view them .You can continue to rattle on about proof .As far as the dumping you can Google Illegal dumping in Warren Center ,PA by Talisman Energy .I you want silica videos they are on Youtube or I can post one for you ( I made several ).Leaks from wells are also here .We have a Chesapeake well that has leaked methane for more than a year .It is vented regularly .anything else is up to you .I don't try to mislead or makeup any of the stuff I post .The industry has supplied it all by actions .....


Yes of course you have proof but won't show it. Typical.

A you tube video is not proof. BTW I have seen those and they have been debunked, they were proved to show vehicle exhaust. That's why no one accepts them as proof once they have been looked into they invariably turn out to be false.

Further, most companies use a closed loop system when handling sand to prevent your so called plumes.

The methane leaks are also urban legends and myths. Yes there are ventings but they all meet EPA air quality standards under the Clean Air Act.BTW methane is a gas that disperses easily that's why water wells that have methane in them (naturally) only vent to the atmosphere.

One illeagal dump by a bad operator is not an indication that it is an industry wide practice

So bottom line is that you have no proof of permanent danger to the environment from the shale industry. Chicken Little comes to mind.

@ Mark ...as I told you I took video on silica sand dust from fracing .Have done it several times.So debunk nothing !Closed loop systems are not mandatory (I am working on this in PA ) As far as leaks go we have a well near me that has over 12 violations and I believe is still leaking methane and is vented 3 times a day on my last report .I just believe you are not smart enough to take in the info ....believe what you want .You only waste my time ...Do me a favor stop the comments ok .No loss to me .Keep in denial if you want .I have more important things to do than argue with ignorant person ...

Bill F,

Post your proof.

Hey Bill F., people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.  You claim Mark is not smart enough to take in your info, yet you are incapable of properly punctuating a sentence. A period should be placed directly at the end of a sentence.  You insist upon placing an extra space between the last word and the period. Also, an ellipsis (...) is three dots, not however many you feel like typing at the moment.

Clearly you are not the scholarly expert you claim to be, otherwise your writing skills would be much better.

It's not his fault, he has endured too much exposure the hazards of HVHF.  Toxins and nose bleeds, radioactivity, dead deer/cattle and sandy dust plumes to name a few.  I am sure these guys will come thru with the documents by the time drilling is over with in a few decades.

@ MJ ...I have plenty of documentation on issues around me.In a constant battle with the PA DEP most of the time .Legal battles take time .DEP works at a speed slower than death .I never mentioned anything about noise bleeds .However some of the other things you mentioned are totally true .Some you here get a real kick out of condesending and childish games .Well to each his own !Maybe you'll mature some day .


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