Got a phone call from a friend who leased to CHK minerals in Greene county Pa. They (her and others in it) received registerd letters from CHK that they had sold out to Rice. Any one else this past wk receive any?

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chk and rice are probably just trading leases so they can make complete units.....chk isnt selling off everything they own to rice .....the letter was in reference to one lease not the whole county or area ......ur friend needs to look at what company has leases around there lease ........i dont think chk would be selling off in a good triple play area ....upper devonian,marcellus,utica GASTAR JUST DRILLED INTO THE UTICA IN MARSHALL COUNTY RIGHT NEXT TO GREENE AND THE WELL PRESSURE WAS 9600PSI BEFORE ANY FRAC STIMULATION 

hope your right Mike I have 1 well drilled and in production in Greene County and 3 others permitted there.

No way they would sell land there. I think mike is right. I would be happy if rice bought the cks lease. Cks seems to be having problems.

ok thanks Mike and Jason. Will have to go up and read the letter myself. God Bless her she just gets lots and lots of money from her wells but never reads a thing that's going on....

Rice supposedly sold leases to Noble energy in Greene County and also sold leads with a producing well to Vantage Energy in Greene County.


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