To any landowner who has gone through the leasing / drilling process, which company do you think is the best? Which is the most easy to work with? (Reasons to like them could include ease of negotiations, honesty, easily contacted afterwards, fast action regarding your complaints, honoring addendum's, etc)

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Where are you located?  Are you in Monroe County?  We have land with Antero in Franklin Township in Monroe and we understood that they were going to drill nearby.  Dan

We leased with Chesapeake. We were paid our bonus in a timely manner. We are in a production unit with one well at this time. Royalty payments paid in a timely manner .... earlier than others in our unit due to our lease language. When we contact them they have replied in a timely manner. We received a copy of declaration of pooled unit. I know many have complaints about Chesapeake but we have had no major issues with them to date.

For folks who dont own land, but own the minerals rights, what are the oil companies offering to sign a ratification to an existing lease to drill horizontally? 

A laughable $500 flat signing fee and no change in 1906 HBP lease from Dom/CNX!

Eclipse gave landowners a bump in royalty percentage from 12.5 to 15% with a $1500 per acre "signing bonus" to update their old Oxford leases.   The addendum contained some landowner protections as well.   Antero gave a flat $3000/acre with no bump in royalty percentage to fix some old Beck/leases they purchased from XTO.   Landowner protection language was also included in the new addendum.  Noble County/Ohio

what if current lease states no unitization?

That's one of the things they are moving to correct so they can pool your acres with your neighbors and drill a well.  Without the proper language to allow pooling, both you and the oil company are stuck in limbo until they get that provision into your lease.   It's in everyone's interest to fix's just how much they are willing to pay that becomes the issue.

Has anyone heard anything about AEU or Aubrey?Is anyone else out there leased with AEU? What is happening?? Have heard not a peep about AEU! Can anyone tell me, anything, that might be going on with AEP?


We leased with Antero, we are in Seneca Township in Monroe County, and have been very happy with them both with the signing bonus and the royalties.


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