Just curious if anybody has seen continued work by Shell at the old Horsehead plant.  By the same token, has anybody heard any rumblings as to how things are coming along? 

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Demolition on going. I hear noise almost every day, 5-6 days a week. When you drive on Rt.68  some thing is missing {building gone} but you don't  what is missing. Like watching an elephant being eaten by ants. One day all gone!

With Shell selling leases, swapping leases. The amount in Shell bankbook came out to


 Number sound familiar ?

Happy days are coming!!!
I particularly like the paragraph mentioning Markwest. They are tight with Rex who just bought Shell's leases.
The dots are gradually connecting to form a real nice picture!!!! :-)

Agreed Trapper!  Also the dots are connecting for the question of why is CHK drilling the Utica for dry gas here.... The shell plant would use tremendous amounts of natural gas for the facility as noted in the article.

Happy days are otw!

No article that I can find but here are a couple of photos

Horsehead Demolition

Subject: You are Invited - Shell Proposed Petrochemical Community Meeting: Air Quality and Safety
Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 1:00:14 PM
You are Invited - Shell Proposed Petrochemical
Community Meeting: Air Quality and Safety
As part of the planning and evaluation process for our proposed petrochemical facility in Beaver
county, Shell is hosting community meetings on topics of most interest to our neighbors. You spoke
and Shell listened.
You are invited to attend the first of these planned topic session on Sept. 18th, which will focus on
the topics of Air Quality and Safety.
The format will be two identical sessions (afternoon and evening), a brief overview of the proposed
project, and a panel of subject matter experts from Shell and external organizations to address your
related questions.
Please join us!
Air Quality and Safety Community Meeting
Thursday, Sept. 18
Two sessions: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Penn State Beaver County Campus
Student Union Auditorium
100 University Drive
Monaca, PA 15061-2764
We value your input. If you have a question to submit in advance, please click here.
Thank you!
Visit this link to unsubscribe

Vogel says Shell to exercise purchase option on Horsehead site.... Headline from Beaver County Times online.

Shell Chemicals is holding two public meetings on Nov. 13 on the proposed cracker plant in Pennsylvania's Beaver County.

The meetings will be at at 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Both will be held at the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center in Midland, Pa.

I suppose they will be similar in nature to the previous ones.

I also heard from a reliable source that contracts have been awarded for the removal of the large amount of concrete on-site at Horsehead, as well as the demolition of the Midway Bar area.  Timing, I don't know.

Most/if not all buildings are down or being removed as we speak. I understand there is piping that needs dug up before they can take down the towers.



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