Link to brief info:

Well owned by Triad Hunter of Magnum Hunter;  28 homes in a mile and a half radius of the well pad site evacuated.    Route 255 is closed.

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Are the 28 homes still evacuated?

Yes but letting them go back during the day with Emergency personal.   My cousin was right over the line and he did not have to go but said it does make you uncomfortable.  Kinda smoggie too.

Are letting them go back when it is "safe" during the day, that is reason they go to fire department to find out if they can go.

Press Conference Scheduled for Thursday Morning in Monroe County


A press conference has been scheduled for Thursday morning in Monroe County regarding the gas well situation.

At 9:00 a.m. the President and COO of Triad Hunter LLC, James Denny, will be addressing the media.  

Stay with 7News and for updates on what comes out of this press conference.


Monroe County released the following update:"Today (Wednesday), access will return to the same schedule as earlier this week. Residents will be allowed limited access to their homes during daytime hours 7:00am – 6:00pm with the assistance of Sardis VFD.  The limitation also applies to air traffic. A NO FLY ZONE has been established for 5,000 feet and a 3 mile radius and will remain in effect throughout the operation. Accommodations for residents of the 30 homes evacuated continue to be provided. A Family Assistance Center will be set up at 10:30am this morning (Wednesday) at the Lee Township Building (formerly Sardis School) to allow a larger, more relaxed location for residents."


This is an update from Monroe County on the situation with the gas well.  It was released late Tuesday night:"Today's (Tuesday's) operations at the Stalder 3UH location owned by Magnum Hunter Resources Corporation's wholly-owned subsidiary, Triad Hunter LLC outside of Sardis, Ohio confirmed that the first attempt at  returning the well to normal by repairing the existing night cap failed.  

This method was initially chosen as it was the fastest way to return residents to their homes and bring the well under control.  
Tomorrow, (Wednesday) Wild Well Control will take a different approach to their operations.  They will begin the process of replacing the well head, which is the most effective industry standard for well containment.  This operation will take substantially more time and is estimated to last for the next seven days.  

As of tomorrow (Wednesday), access will return to the same schedule as earlier this week. Residents will be allowed limited access to their homes during daytime hours 7:00am – 6:00pm with the assistance of Sardis VFD.  The limitation also applies to air traffic.  A NO FLY ZONE has been established for 5,000 feet and a 3 mile radius and will remain in effect throughout the operation. Accommodations for residents of the 30 homes evacuated continue to be provided.  

Representatives from both companies continue to meet daily with local and state partners including Sardis VFD, Monroe County Emergency Management, Ohio Emergency Management, Ohio EPA, and Ohio DNR Division of Oil and Gas to discuss ongoing efforts to secure the well site, maintain safety of responders and residents by continuous stationary and mobile air monitoring with zero gas detection outside the well pad site.  We continue to limit the public's access to the immediate area and an additional buffer area up to a 1 ½ mile radius while actions are taken to restore the site to normal. 

Every effort is being taken to monitor the environment and support and protect the lives and property of residents and responders. 
For additional information or assistance contact the command center located at Sardis VFD 740-483-1048."

Stay with 7News as we continue to follow this story for you.

Displaced Monroe County Families Allowed Limited Access to Homes as Well Head Fix Plans Change

Posted: Dec 18, 2014 7:32 PM ESTUpdated: Dec 19, 2014 8:37 AM EST
 A change in plans in Monroe County operations will allow displaced residents into their homes on Friday during daytime hours, after original plans said families could not return home, even with the assistance of volunteer fire department staff. Crews from Wild Well Control are continuing their process of replacing a well head that leaked on Saturday.

According to the Monroe County Emergency Management Agency, the operation will take a substantial amount of time and is expected to last until early next week. 

Due to a change in the progress of operations on the well pad, as of Thursday night, EMA officials said residents will be allowed limited access to their homes on Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. with assistance of the Sardis Volunteer Fire Department. However, residents are asked to prepare for the potential of no access to their homes on Saturday.

The no fly zone for 5,000 feet and a three mile radius remains in effect. 

A family assistance center has been set up at the Lee Township Building (formerly the Sardis School), operating between 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. At the location, displaced families can obtain information and resources. 

The command center for the Magnum Hunter, and state and local agencies is still the fire department. 

Representatives from the companies involved continue to meet daily with local and state officials to secure the site, maintain the safety of responders and residents, and to monitor the air. 

Displaced Monroe County Families Allowed No Access to Homes as Well Head Fix Plans Change

Posted: Dec 18, 2014 7:32 PM EST Updated: Dec 20, 2014 10:30 AM EST


Latest statement from Monroe County EMA:

RESIDENTS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS THEIR HOMES TODAY DURING THIS IMPORTANT PHASE OF THE OPERATION. YOUR COOPERATION IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.  Residents should also plan for no access tomorrow, an update will be provided before morning regarding tomorrow's schedule. This includes the area of SR 255 beginning in Sardis following to the intersections of Goddard Road and Baptist Ridge Road.The Family Assistance Center will open in its new location at 37263 Border Street, Sardis.  This is directly behind Sardis Church of Christ and extra parking is available at the Church of Christ.  Hours of operation continue to be 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to allow residents to obtain information and resources.


Residents will still be allowed limited access to their homes today during daytime hours 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. with the assistance of Sardis VFD, but should prepare for NO ACCESS ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. The Family Assistance Center WILL MOVE beginning tomorrow to 37263 Border Street, Sardis due to other events at the current location.  This is directly behind Sardis Church of Christ and extra parking is available at the Church of Christ.  Hours of operation continue to be 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to allow residents to obtain information and resources. 

An update late last night from Monroe Emergency Management said work went well on Saturday and residents would be able to access their property during daylight hours today, Sunday, Dec. 21st.

I wonder if they have contingency plans for a blowout near a population center?  What if they had a blowout near Wheeling?  How would they provide housing to that many people for a week while they regained control of the well?  Would they have to shut down traffic on I-70 or the Ohio river?


.   Sadly I don't think any of us can think the necessary planning has been done in any of our counties.   A great New Year's resolution would be for all of us to begin asking the appropriate officials of our counties when, where and who has been meeting/working to establish emergency plans for oil/gas emergencies as well as natural disasters.

One GMS poster and I have half heartedly discussed having a bag packed in case we have to evacuate.   This week I have come to the conclusion that my bag needs packed and with me in the vehicle when I am not at home.

Who determines the radius of the exclusion zone?  I did a check to see the effect of a similar problem at either the Hess well out by the Barnesville Hospital, or the proposed Antero/Gulfport well between the hospital and the Barnesville Airport.  It is an eye-opener to draw a 1.5 mile exclusion zone around those.  Not only does it encompass all of the downtown business area, but it takes in most of the population.  Perhaps just as significant, it closes down SR 800 and SR147 west.  These are major truck routes for the southwest Belmont County wells and a lot of the pipeliner traffic.  Route 800 especially would be a lengthy workaround.

Jesse, Our farm buildings and animals would be just outside an exclusion zone in the fields, but the house and access street end up being "in the zone".  Good luck enforcing that one.

Work Continues at Monroe County Well Site; Families Allowed Limited Access

Posted: Dec 18, 2014 7:32 PM EST

Updated: Dec 21, 2014 7:32 PM EST



Residents displaced in Monroe County were allowed limited access to their homes on Sunday with the assistance of personnel. Everyone entering the area must go through checkpoints for tracking purposes.

Wild Well Control reported they made significant process in securing the new well head on Saturday. The no fly zone continues throughout the operation.

Another update should be released late Sunday evening.

Work Continues at Monroe County Well Site; Families Allowed Limited Access

Posted: Dec 18, 2014 7:32 PM ESTUpdated: Dec 22, 2014 11:12 AM EST


Displaced residents in Monroe County will be able to access their homes on the same schedule as before, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and must still go through checkpoints in and out for tracking purposes, according to Monroe County.

Personnel have been contacting residents one on one to provide individual information and will continue to do so. Residents may contact the command center at Sardis VFD at 740-483-1048.


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