Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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Just to let everybody know Jeff S loves wine and nicknacks.....ha  see ya down there bro....

no wonder he has no bucks on the wall.......haha

Rob is just jealous, he did not even shoot a deer this year and his wife has got more bucks on the wall then him! At least I took the prestigous BAMBI award for the smallest deer harvested! LOL

I always shoot the Bambi's. Let the mature does walk, it is better for the herd. Not that I wont shoot a mature doe but if given an option I shoot the "pudge".

This was the worst deer season I have seen in my 35 years of deer hunting, by a long way.

I did not see one mature buck.

I hear the same thing all over the state. Mike Tonkovich is not a popular man, but at least he was man enough to finally scrap the early season doe only black powder hunt. He and I had a real difference of opinion on that topic, but he said he would own it either way and he did, to his credit.

Fortunately I believe the deer herd will recover fairly rapidly, I just hope the state learned its lesson and is more cautious in how aggressively they reduce the herd.

You guys should come up to northern Ohio.  They pay you to hunt!



I agree with you 100 %. I hated the early muzzle load. I hear youth seson is being moved to Oct 10 which is about time. My kid wont freeze and the woods wont be boogered up for shotgun. Lots of pictures this year but they stayed nocturnal in my neck of the woods.

Frankly, I could not be more disappointed in the handling of the deer herd by the state., they have really blown it this time.

It is bad enough that I firmly believe some should lose their job over it.

This site is about oil,gas and pi[pelines , not DEER!

Either report me or pass over my comments.

Other than that, the prollem is yours

Legislative Update:  HB 8 has been amended, now Sub HB 8.  Possible vote next Tuesday 3/10/15.  Language changed from just land owned by ODOT to land owned by the State of Ohio or any political subdivision.

Also, HB 83 will be introduced on the same date.  Short title of this bill: "Oil or gas well owner royalty statement to holder of royalty interest".  

This bill puts in statute what needs to be included on a check stub for royalty payments.

Eclipse Year-End Review and Operational Update:


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