Permit on engineers report applied by Enervest on August 19 in clay township. Acreage is 153.2 acres. Looks like they will be drilling a well soon.

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Has anyone seen any Gasfrac trucks lately?

Hi Cher, my husband said he seen some gasfrac trucks leaving the nettle well today. Did anyone else on this sight see anything. Thanks Tena

Thanks TM  I cant seem to get the call to come up on my computer.

Has anyone heard any news on the nettle well yet, Thanks Tena

There is an article on Ohio . com about the nettle well today . It dosnt sound to good.

Thank you for your posted info. (both you Brent and tena marie west just above).

A number of things gravel me on both EV's statements and the article presented.

1st (like always) there's no mention of Ashtabula County as being at all in the so-called 'oil window' and it's basically common knowledge as I've read and seen that it is. As a matter of fact the geography contains 'stacked strata / plays' as I've read and have seen physical evidence of noting the plethera of gas and oil wells that already exist. That's disgusting and a 'downplay' of the geography for what I see as obvious reasons.

There's no benefit to the developers in advertising where the resources (that they want to control / own / develop for as next to nothing as they can obtain it for). But, and rather it's just opposite. The tact would be to 'downplay' the geography / beat up the land / mineral owners and the geography and I believe that's exactly what they're doing. The more of it I see the more disgust I perceive.

Also, production can be whatever the developers wants it to be as I've read many posts on these pages that they can and do control production to suit their game plan.

As time passes they also press for legislation that assists their position.

But, I guess that's the way it is all over.

Good luck to all of us - I believe we need it.

BTW, I'm still in the camp that believes that if the resource is there they'll come and get it when they want it.  I don't buy into it being factual that they can't recover it due to ANY geology.  It may be easier to recover it one place over another and therefore more economical at any given point in time but economics change as time passes and politics impact.

For goodness sake there's even talk about mining the planet Mars someday !  How difficult would that be. ? What's the geology like there ?

I'll give that an lol !

Let's hope for the best for ourselves and ours.

Well...the results thus far haven't been spectacular by any means......but it sounds like the haven't given up and believe the oil is there.

That's the key...the oil is there.

Look at this time the figure out the right fracking technique......OIl will be back closer to $100.

Because oil is not at $100.00 a barrel could be the main reason that results aren't better.

They'll produce as much as they want from where and when they want it.

Just MHO.
Just read an article from the Marcellus Drilling News.

It said that EVEP Chairman John Walker said that production from the Nettles Well was about 50% of that of a nearby similar hydro-fractured well and for that reason was a big disappointment.

At least they know,now that the Gasfrack idea doesn't work in the oil window. Sounds like they will be teaming up wit CHK. or someone else to experiment some more. Hopefully they crack the code soon. Seems like the longer laterals with water frack and closer spaced frack stages seems to work the best.


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