Some true,some hearsay...Aubrey is looking for a site to build his regional office with a Cambridge address.  Aep Utica is looking to drill a well behind the General store in Old Washington,early feb.   .AEP is drilling now in Harrison co. Rice will be moving their big rig from Belmont co. to daddy Shugerts well in Old Washington,soon. Bluegrass Pipeline coming thru the county this year. Compressor  station for Antero's well below Senecaville is ready to fire up any day.  Gulfport is sending rigs to Guernsey soon. EQT is wanting to drill 21 new wells in Guernsey this year. Carrizo has 2 pads built,ready to roll. Cheasapeake,all of a  sudden,likes Guernsey,better than Carroll. The company wanting to build an apartment complex at the I-77/Rt.22 site has agreed to help finance a sewer plant needed at that site& Coventry Estates. Motel to be built across from Pilot on the hill almost ready to roll. Some landowners near Quaker City are getting offers of $13,400. per acre to sell their Mineral rights.  Any other tidbits are welcome. You hear things from credible sources that may not even be true,but you be the judge.

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McClendon/AEU, is wanting to sell 29,000 acres on it's western side of Utica acreage in Guernsey/Noble Counties. Does anyone haver a map of where this acreage is?

After further review , It's 18,000 acres in Guernsey/Noble western side of Utica acreage. 11,000 acres in Carroll/Columbiana/Jefferson.. I 'd say it's everything west of Old Washington to Macksburg,but just guessing.

bo where did you read this at.....we have property in Winterset, waiting on a payment on the Amendment with the pulling clause....I wonder if we are the acreage they are trying to sell...

Columbus Business First.


  Hi Bo, Do you think Aubrey is trying to flip some acres for a quick profit? I was paid a 5000.00 an acre signing bonus for my 22 acres in 2012. Then Shell flipped it to Aubrey. What is it worth now with the lower oil prices. Or does it make a difference to the big boys? Our 5 year lease expires 10/2016 I am on the western edge 1/4 mile east of Old Washington on Fairground rd. Is there a map we could look at.?

Lance, your property is close to where AEU has drilled, has 2 pads ready to go and are happy with the results. Don't think you're in that 18,000 acres they have for sale. Don't know why the sale, but maybe the State of Ohio not wanting to lease Salt Fork or interstate acreage along I-77/I-70 may make it a pain in the ass to drill anywhere close to that acreage..It cost $10,000 for each Forcepool application, not to mention it takes many months to get appovals.  Maybe it's the price of oil and  there's more oil and less gas there ? I've been looking for more info,hopefully a map,because my little piece of earth may in in there too!  I'll be sure to post it .

Mornin Bo, my property borders I-70on the north side.... Hope they put it a unit or at least pay me another lease bonus when it expires 

I as well am on the north side of 70 and east side of 77 (Cambridge) it seems this area is going to be passed bye.No one  wants anything to do with this area when I called Gulfport about a year ago or so I was told by the guy that was doing the leasing  that the guy before him had made several mistakes and they were not ever interested in the area to begin with and wanted nothing to do with it! Im still waiting to be singed but it just seems it is not going to be in the cards. Hopefully I am wrong maybe some one knows some thing I don't. I just don't understand how Cambridge area is being skipped over?

I heard the landowners in the Fritz unit are receiving their 1st royalty checks. The amount is not what they were expecting,but oil was over $100.bbl. now under $50.

Yes I recieved my first check on Monday , I didn't get my hopes up to high so I wasn't disappointed. It was for nov- dec prices were fairly low at that time also. I think 60 for oil , 3.28 for gas.

What was the per acre amount you were paid?
Close to 800 an acre Jonathan


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