Does anyone know about any drilling in Londonderry Township, Guernsey County, OH by Aubre? Skull Fork Rd to be exact? Thanks for any info you might share.

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I believe it is Beaver Road.  Do you know what landowner and where the pad will be located and what direction AEU will be drilling on the Beaver Road unit?  Can you give any other information about this unit? 

Is there anything new with the Lawson well? I saw a small rig moved back in after the facking was done.

Does anyone have a link to the unit map of that well?

Any idea of production or if division order have been sent out?  In short how are these three wells doing or do we have to wait for the first quarter reports from ODNR?

Don't know what wells you are meaning, but I do know that the Ripley wells in Londonderry twp. Gulfport. produced 505 barrels of oil per day. Gas,okay ,but not that great. Too bad oil wasn't still $110 bbl.!

Hi BoBo. This is Dorothy A. I am wondering if u have heard anything about drilling in the Walhounding, Ohio area? Thanks for talking to me.

I know of nothing permitted or planned for that area. I have seen a lot of seismic work going on thru there, so maybe they are making plans to someday drill. I figure that is getting into the oil window of the play, so oil prices will need to rise to make it profitable for drilling.

I saw 3 Thumper trucks going out Walhounding Rd. from Buffalo this morning. I guess they haven't given up on the Oil window!

The wells that the plat map is of just above my post the Lawson wells.

Edit for typo.

Is there any activity at the Lawson well, or in the area?


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