Wondering if anyone is willing to share any information on lease offers or activity in Belmont County, Ohio?

We were approached by Starr Energy with a $400/14% lease offer on 82 acres. The terms were in favor of the gas company big time.  

Also, sorry I sent this as an email to the group. Didn't mean to, but here;s a question for the more knowledgable out there:

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What area are you in?

"Absolutely Chesapeake is (or was) the main player in Belmont County.


Where do you get this info from Brad?  I haven't heard of Chesapeake leasing in Belmont County yet...

I have 70 acres I want to lease for the going rate of $2000 an acre.

It seems that is what they are getting in Jefferson Co. from the rumors.

Do you think I'm asking too much?

Let me know

WAY TOO LOW.......

I can't get any of the companies to talk to me about leasing.  I called

Trinity and they said they are in Jefferson Co.  I told them I'm in Northern

Belmont and the land agent said he didn't have approval for Belmont County.

I'd like to lease. 

Hello Bernie........patience is the name of this game, along with careful thought.......research and read some history on how the coal resources were taken from the landowners for practically nothing, while worth millions of dollars!  Have we not heard about our Appalachia always being in poverty.......WHY? Because we are stupid people.......WE HAVE ALL THE VALUABLE NATURAL RESOURCES and We allow them to be given away and those dollars are sucked out of here (OH, WV, PA) just like the sucking sound Perot talked about in the 1991 era with NAFTA, for which Slick Willy signed and jobs are still leaving us. It is time we bring local leaders forward who are not self serving and develop these resources ourselves? WHY NOT HAVE A REFINEY HERE......IT IS TIME TO TELL THE SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST and MARXIST EPA and  Saudi/ Socialist ENVIRONMENTAL FREAKS TO GET OUT OF OUR LAND and BRING PROSPERTIY HERE OURSELVES INSTEAD OF CHINA....WeThePeople Must Step up to the plate and take our country back...if need be, DIVIDE OURSELVES FROM THE UNION.....just yesterday I learned a friend is losing their job with GOODYEAR IN TN, Where they are closing their plant by the end of the year ......1100 JOBS and FAMILIES GONE, as well as all of those support companies that provide goods to those eleven hundred families. When are we going to wake up?  DO NOT LEASE YOUR LAND FOR NOTHING.,.......WE HAVE Big OIL/Gas here and MORE THAN TWO SAUDI ARABIAs ! The Big Boys are attempting to keep it all secret, BUT THE WORD IS OUT and they are working hard to take it from us and KEEP APPALACHIA IN POVERTY! Bernie, the reason you are frustrated and, like most, have limited knowledge of how this game is being played. As a friend told me last night, you get nothing for nothing and you do not use a welder to do electrical repairs, or an accountant to weld two pieces of metal together. Be patient and get some help! Representation is available, providing you are certain your representation is  working entirely on your behalf and not playing on both ball teams or both ends of the stick!

Do not give you royalty away, form a Landowners Group and work with Harrison County or Carroll County Landowners Groups to learn the ropes and then you will become educated to what is really going on, you will have leverage to get the best lease, terms, and bonus $$ per acre.
You do provide a services that I am sure  has helped many landowners thus far, that is prior to landowners being educated and learning that they can ban together and with and experienced oil and gas attorney and still achieve the same results. I am sure many more landowners will continue to use your services, simply because in the long run they would rather have someone else deal with it direct than do it themselves. I fell you should take one or the other, that is a percentage of the bonus money or a percentage of royalty, but not both, I still say that landowners need to form a group and they can position theirselves better in the market and benefit their own interests better, than paying a broker who is really only in it for the $$. Always get a second opinion, maybe a third if needed, because one the lease is signed and you cash the check, you are in the deal whether you like it or not.


Fom the posting below I see your point.  You are providing more than just a service to get the lease...It is continued service past drilling.

Has anyone who signed with Wishgard actually received a check yet?


No money yet
When does their 90 days expire for you? I know they were wanting people to sign by Dec 31, 2010 and that would put 90 days at March 31st. If they haven't cut a check by then, I'd assume they couldn't sell the lease to an O&G company and the signed lease then becomes null & void.


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