ABC’s new “Blood & Oil,” which premieres Sunday, shifts the oil-drilling action from the fields of Texas (“Dallas”) and Colorado (“Dynasty”) to North Dakota, where the vast Bakken Shale oil deposit ignited a boom in the town of Williston in 2008.

Starring Don Johnson as a larger-than-life tycoon in boots and a broad-brimmed hat, “Blood & Oil” recreates Williston as the fictional North Dakota boomtown of Rock Springs. Young newlyweds Billy and Cody Lefever (Chace Crawford of “Gossip Girl” and Rebecca Rittenhouse) move to Rock Springs to start a business. They discover a Wild West crackling with strivers and swindlers as well as oil barons, presided over by Mr. Johnson’s Hap Briggs. 

The toll of the boom-and-bust cycle is the philosophical core of this show, said Josh Pate, co-creator of the new series. It “could have been about the Gold Rush or it could have been about the dot-com [era]. It’s really about a speculative mania,” said Mr. Pate, who has worked in television and film as a screenwriter, director and producer.

Mr. Pate, 45, isn’t the first to be fascinated by Williston’s transformation. “The Overnighters,” a 2014 documentary, tracked a local pastor’s effort to help workers streaming into town. And earlier this year, the Smithsonian Channel’s “Boomtowners” series examined how the Bakken bonanza affected area residents and new arrivals.

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I'll be watching.

I'll watch for awhile but I don't expect a fair look at the biz.  Betting that it will make Dallas look mild in how they paint all oil execs as scumbag crooks.

Will I be watching?  This show is on at 9:00pm ET opposite Broncos/Lions.  So, sure, maybe I'll push the button during commercials or if the game is a runaway.

Otherwise . . . . . . . . .   

I really hope that they "frac" a well with a drilling rig. That would just be pure awesomeness.
Don Johnson - shooting skeet - riding horses - getting in fights - drilling for oil - with loose women chasing him (or will it be vice versa ?) - yeah we'll all be watching.

We remember the Miami Vice series we enjoyed watching 'back in the day'.

probably be another drama filled show like Oil and blood was on was so bad they took it off the air in 4 weeks time....but Don Johnson will get a lot of people to watch it

Hope it's better than the water rig that they used to drill for oil on South Fork

Just another DALLAS drama show Don Johnson just another JR EWING  bonch of Hollywood FICTIONAL DRAMA,,,,,,,    BIG WASTE OF TIME

Darn   , Missed it !    I had Friends stop over tonight.....   Looks good....

YOu didn't miss anything just another Dallas drama  best part was the couple hauling 4 washing machines in a 1990 pickup  going to open 30 laundramats  on mohey they borrowed from friends and relatives.....they wreck and total the truck and walk away with the clothes ontheir back and just leave the truck and washing machines in the field.......2 sex scenes in the first 15 minute.......just abunch of drama   like DALLAS was just new actors

soap opera

I doubt Don Johnson has series production and transportation costs deducted from his ABC royalty check.

It will be a short lived "speculative play".


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