Again Mr Trump was right..

and Ruskies taking his advice... ?

at any rate... ME oil fields.. being bombed...

Guess that might bring up the PRICE on OIL  ??

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The Kinites are alive and active.

Are the 'Kinites' from Kintucky ?

I was thinkin' yeah - also known as 'Kintuckians'.

I agree with you totally, Mike !!!!  If TRUMP doesn't work out, the others are too PC and weak to handle the situation anyway, so electing them is useless !  I follow politics and world events constantly and am very concerned for our country because of obama !!!  It's good reading your assessment !!!

Nov 22nd 1963...

I was at an intersection in Wahiawa Hawaii when the radio gave the news...

Suddenly EVERY CAR on the streets stopped.. and people just got out and

milled around....crying...... very sad.....

and I never VOTED till Perot...... and MANY people have never voted since

the CIA killed Kennedy....!!!!!!!!!!!!

National elections have been rigged for years since.....but this time....

If Trump isn't eliminated... they cant deny the Populace......

People should be able to GO TO WORK.. raise a family..... improve themselves..

WITHOUT THE FEDERAL GOVT telling them what to EAT... THINK ...BREATH or do.....

Ohio finally gets a break on OIL and GAS.....and immediately the Federal Govt

screws it up.....CONGRESS can pass the law to allow EXPORTING..

and they can STOP... importing.... and they can REGULATE interstate trade

and TAX .. imports.....

They BOW to the Saudi's......instead...

USA first.... period....


Maybe one of you Trumpeters can help me out.

I cant fathom how a landowner with a commodity, as we are on this board, can support a person who not only condones, but supports, and champions government Eminent Domain abuse, in his words AND his past practices.

Help me out with that.

Can't help you (or anyone) explain how we citizens could / should condone / support any individual / our government practicing or even condoning abuse of Eminent Domain.

These United States would not be what they are today without Eminent Domain and Ya know it :) It has be spoken many times;   Freedom is not Free. :) 

Toughen up Buttercup :)

Eminent Domain in necessary and provided for by law. Trump is all for buying politicians to abuse eminent domain and steal land for him to develop. In fact “I happen to agree with it 100%" Per The Donald after Kelo vs New London

FYI that was after he lost a fight with a widow he was trying to re home right before Trump LCC went bankrupt the second or third time under his leadership and the Atlantic City wonder project tanked into the mud. Of course, according to him HE never went bankrupt, just his company, of whom he is CEO...


Eminent Domain is supposed to pay 'fair market value' to the owner for the property seized.

When the seizure includes the undeveloped natural gas and oil within how is 'fair market value' calculated ? ?

IMO, not paying the owner for the undeveloped natural resources seized would be an abuse of an Eminent Domain seizure (which is actually at the heart of what I can't reconcile).

The same reasoning (to me) holds true when 'Forced Pooling' / 'Forced Unitization' is invoked, which seizes a landowner's right to bargain a 'price' for the development of the natural resources within the land he / she owns (this to me would also be a seizure of a landowner's 'valuable consideration' and abusive / an abuse).


I've been saying for years that property's like the Pittsburgh air port that Allegheny County stole through eminent domain the gas royalty and bonus money belongs to the original property owners. They and or the heirs should get a class action law suit to retrieve the money that is rightfully theirs.  Who better to distribute the money? Politicians to line their own pockets through corruption with it or bicycle lanes and trails that a very small percentage of the tax payers use or the original land owners and heirs that will spend it all right here with local businesses. 

And they will spend it. History and statistics show most people can't hold on to a wind fall of money. You live at a certain level. Given a wind fall you will be right back where you were before in short order.

I just realized I'm off topic now so sianara.

I would bet that it is taken Fee Simple, and t the time the land was taken there was no one who even thought that it was possible to get gas from over a mile down.


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