Very interesting reading, Should keep you off the streets and out of the pool rooms for awhile. Lol.

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Replies to This Discussion

Chuck-- I looked at The Drill'N Man blog, and it looks pretty interesting. How do we tune into your radio program? Tnx. --Tom

we are on penn brook pines and clear channel stations 530 AM and PM.  Week Days.
we tour TV studios tomarrow.

I'm out in California. Is there anyway to access via the Internet?


102.7 Kiss FM in williamsport streams live.

Just a question, how can you contribute if you live in Callifornia? 

you may like this.


Chuck-- I was born in Penna, and still have some deep roots there. Also, my family has owned land in WV for 150+ years. It is prospective for Marcellus shale. These things have helped motivate me.

WikiMarcellus is based on published articles that appear in local newspapers, company press releases, and other publications that are generally available via Internet.

In fact, one of the rules is that there must be back up for everything--no rumors, tips or original research allowed.

The web site is meant to be encyclopedic, and doesn't compete with insider newsletters, etc. In this way, it is very similar to Wikipedia. Please think of it as a Wikipedia of Marcellus shale development. It is intended to be educational, although it could be helpful to an experienced person who wants to research the different E & P and infrastructure companies.

Thank you for the video and the streaming info for the radio program. I'll definitely check them both out.


Great point, but sadly the newspapers and media here is so anti gas it's not even funny. infact some bosses in media also own anti gas sites. The only way I've been able to reach the companies is by gaining a reputation for not reporting the same stories.  As of now, for example, we are working on safty reports for men in the field who need to keep up on recals of clothing and safty gear.


Chuck-- The negative reaction to drilling and development--the "I hate fracking campaign"--could be based largely on ignorance. You and I both know there's a positive side to this story too. It's just not getting told often enough.

The industry itself, whether the reputation is deserved or not, is perceived by many as biased in its own self-interest. Also, the media sometimes gets more attention and following by telling scary stories about a subject than through heart-warming ones. In addition, reporters themselves still need to become better informed. Let's face it, natural gas is not a subject most people, even those from the Marcellus shale districts, know about very much.

With WikiMarcellus I have wanted to take a neutral point of view similar to Wikipedia's NPOV policy. To mix a couple or tortured figures of speech, please call it a policy of  "When the cookie crumbles, let the crumbs fall where they may." It is really in the companies own self-interest to become leading contributors to WikiMarcellus, so long as their information is neutral and the purpose is to help educate the public.

The work you are doing with The Drill'N Man is excellent. I am glad to have "met" you online and plan to become a regular reader. --Tom


BTW this banter is not for us but the readers.


The anti fracing issue is as much about the ppl who compete with gas.  Gasland was paid for by wind freaks and wind is paid for by O's gooberment.  Follow the money.

They can cry all they wish, but they can't stop it.  Water has always burned here..  but they don't care about the truth. They have ears but won't hear... but if they won't listen to what christ has to say,  so be it.

Chuck-- Many people who oppose drilling have their heart in the right place, even if their skepticism may not be fully warranted. However, the old adage about "politics makes strange bedfellows," definitely here applies. I wrote a short opinion piece about a year ago that gives my two cents worth on it. I wouldn't change a word. --Tom



you should read mine.  here in PA its not so much about water as other stuff. 
Chuck-- I added a WikiMarcellus link for the Drill'N man. Hope you get lot's of traffic from it. Also, how do I get a subscription to your newspaper since I'm out-of-State? Thanks for the info. --Tom

read it on line. 


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