I recently watched the movie "Hillary's America" I recommend every American see that. It explains the history of the democratic party and the rise of the Clintons. It talks about their views on the oil and gas industry and the war on coal and fossil fuels. I came away from that movie enlightened and disturbed. If she becomes our next POTUS we are in for trouble on a biblical scale. Our country will cease to exist as we know it. Has any one else on site seen this? 

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For info. we (my Mrs. & I) are still totally without a candidate that we can talk ourselves into voting for.

If the election were held this hour we probably wouldn't vote.

The only saving grace we can find is that the House & Senate would hopefully (but still only probably) keep ANY elitist / (socio-psyco pathological ? ?) candidate in check.

IMHO there is no candidate / choice that makes any sense to me and mine.

Good luck to all of us as we surely need it as far as I can tell.

Luck is all we have going for us the way I see it it.

I believe that not voting at all does nothing for anyone. One of the two candidates must be better than the other on at least one thing with respect to your views. If your indifference is rooted in disgust for our political machine/system, at the very least figure out who you think is most likely to change that system and then vote. One of the two is going to be president and not voting will not change that.

If you have an opinion on what direction the O & G industry should go, there are some pretty clear differences on that between the two main candidates.

Personally, I see voting as a civil duty of mine regardless of the candidates who end up on the ballot.

Regarding your hope about the Congress balancing the Executive branch. That is how it is supposed to work but keep in mind that the current administration (which includes Hillary) has done a number of things that disregard our checks and balances system, at least one of which has been deemed unconstitutional by our Supreme Court.



So the folks who decide to stand up against ISIS and actually fight that evil scourge are the ones starting a war?  I hear that so many times from liberals! People need to wake up! ISIS and Islamic radicals are a large and growing evil scourge all over the globe. And ISIS and other Islamic terrorists are the ones who have already started that world war. Even they themselves proclaim it.

And do you REALLY believe Donald Trump would nuke anyone or "start WWIII" for calling him out? REALLY? Perhaps he would take appropriate military action - unlike the inexplicable lack of military action Hillary was responsible for in Benghazi.


Trump recognizes that Islamic Terrorists have already started the war against the civilized world. For whatever reason, Hillary as well as the Obama administration refuse to recognize that. If the world does not take a unified stand to fight this evil today, I shudder to think of the kind of country and world our children and their children will be left to deal with.


And to keep this somewhat on subject, Obama, Hillary and the Dems have done, and will continue to do everything they can (including things that are not really in their constitutionally defined powers) to squash America's natural energy resources industries. So if you want to snuff out domestic oil and gas production (just like coal which has been essentially regulated out of business by the current administration) and the economic surge to our country that  comes with it, vote Hillary.


Say whatever you will about Donald Trump's crassness  and lack of toeing the political correctness line that has been eroding our country; no one can deny that he is a self-made extremely successful businessman who is not tied into the status quo corrupt political machine that is leading our country into socioeconomic ruin. He has first hand knowledge of how global economics works and what our country's weaknesses are in that arena. Remember, none of Trump's fame or power has come from politics; ALL of Hillary's fame and power has come from politics. In fact, everything that she and Bill have done all of their adult lives has been in pursuit of political power and control over the political machine.


Seems Hillary and a lot of her supporters, including most of the media, keep claiming that Trump is not fit because the things he says and the way he says them while ignoring the horrendous things Hillary HAS ACTUALLY DONE many of which border on violations of US law and the blatant self-serving lies that she has and continues to spew!


I believe that Donald Trump will not say or do anything simply to make himself look good. In fact he has proven that :-) I believe Hillary will continue say and do everything simply to make herself look good (or stay out of trouble) without regard for what is best for anyone else.

I hate the "good ol' boys (or gals)" political system we have. I will be voting for the individual who is most likely to buck that system, turn it on it's head, and lead both our country and our politics down the right path for our country for a change.


Very good analysis Ken.... Spot on man!

OK, you prefer a proven multiple liar who will appoint young liberals to the Supreme Court and further open America's borders?  This is insanity.

Trump is NOT a politician.  He lacks the smoothness that voters in the past claimed made them uncomfortable.  Trump just goes out there and speaks his mind, and that bothers pee-pants PC liberals and others who desperately need to grow a pair if America is to have any chance of a return to greatness.

It's OK.  They are the "JV squad" anyways.

HiLiary has monetary connections to the Middle East.  Middle east is also against American energy production.  Simple game of connect the dots.

Hi Shale Man, No, the world may not end "if" Hilliary becomes potus but our country, the way we know it will change for the worse and will get worse as her liberal agenda is put in play. Take advantage of all the info available here and other outlets and choose your candidate wisely. If you didn't know it, we are all ready in WWIII... It started 9/11/2001... It's a war we need to win and win soon... Clinton will lose it and we will all be learning Arabic and obeying Sharia law in just a few generations or maybe even sooner.... Research, research, research.... You will see the truth about Islam, Obama, Clinton, and the Democratic Party and why the U.S.A. is in serious decline....

I double dog dare liberals posting here to read this:

But I know you won't take the dare

Truth, for liberals, is discomforting.  They do not care if fracking is banned and they lose their royalties . . and they do not care if America goes straight to hell.  Liberalism is a serious, fatal, illness.

Interesting article by Ann Coulter Frank. But that is all that it is.

I do absolutely agree with you Frank that "Trump is not a politician!"

He looks to be the kind of person who needs complete attention....


Even a little baby crying upsets him while he is talking. He tries to smoothen over his complaints about that crying baby but then wants it to be removed from the room.


Looks like even as a figurehead for the republican party he is falling apart like a snowman in a June rain storm.

And I never said that Clinton was a better candidate either


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